ººChapter Nineteenºº

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Hey Sweeties! I'm really sorry for not uploading for so long. How are you today? How's the weather?
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love you~

So far what I know from Ares, the ball will be in a few weeks. Servants preparing castle and as far as I see it's going pretty well.

"Donna, how about our dresses? Where we will find them?"

That was a good question. When I was wondering threw the halls, I notice that the main color theme here is red, all different kinds of shades. Even servants wearing red outfits. That's not what we need. Like a creature from the Northern Mountains, I have to wear white or blue.

Why don't you ask Elder for help?

That's actually a really good idea. We would have to fly there, but I don't mind. To be honest I was pretty tired to sit in Ares's room and walk in the secret garden. I and Yameter have to take a break from it.

"Yameter, darling, I think I know what to do." we both smiled evilly. We didn't have to say anything in order to understand what we are thinking. After all, we were almost sisters. Our plan was to sneak out from the castle, leaving small notes for our men under the pillow. You know, so they won't worry too much.


After we've done that, we ran into the depth of the forest. When we were sure that the bo body will see us, Yameter shifted into her dragon form. I sat on her back as we fly high into the sky.

"How are things going with Zayn? Last time I saw you two in the secret garden, which was a few days ago" I asked feeling a little bit out of my plate but in a good way.

He scares me

"What do you mean? Did he hurt you?"

No, he just...When I near him he makes me feel a weird feeling that I've never felt. I don't know what to do with that, it scares me. After that, I'm trying to avoid him

"I understand what it's like, but sooner or later you will have to face him, you know it will happen. By that time you have to realize what you feel towards this man." she didn't reply, only let out a low growl. "Do you feel on fire when he looks at you?" I teased as a wide grin appeared on my face. Yameter moved around and let out an annoyed growl. So she does feel on fire huh..."Do you want more when he does that?"

Fuck yes, Donna! Stop teasing me!

"Ha! I knew it!" I gently slapped her back "You're in love with him!"

But how should I know that he's my mate? I mean I don't feel the scent like wolfs do...

"When I was a little kid, my mom used to tell me a story-"
A story...you think some story could help me with that?
"Don't interrupt when someone speaks! Geez, we need to take care of your manners young lady" she huffed. "The story tells about human and werewolf. The woman had feelings for the mythic creature, so did the wolf. He knew that she was his mate, but the woman could not see him as werewolf could. So then they come up with a ritual dance. When the woman was dancing she started to feel something new. Both of them felt a new temptation that they never felt before and that's how she realized that that was her man.

So what was thinking, maybe we should dance on the ball? You know, we can present as a present from the Northern Mountains. "

Sounds like a good idea. Let's do it. Oh, by the way, I think we've finally made to the place we need.

I looked down and saw dark, wet, and foggy land. Yep, we're here. When we landed, Yameter shifted back into her human form. I have her clothes that I carried in the bag.

"So, how are we gonna find him?"

"I guess we just have to look to the door that leads underground. But we have to be careful, rogues can attack us" Yamteres nodded. As we walked into the depth of the forest, dead silence was surrounding us, even birds didn't sing. I don't know for how long did we walked, but it was getting dark now. That wasn't good.

Finally, we found it.When we opened the door, it was very dark.

"Elder! Are you there?" there was no reply. Only echo. I decided to take the first step as I entered the tunnel, Yameter followed. When I thought everything was fine, I felt that ground underneath my feet start to shift, if it had a shape of stairs now it changed to a slide. We've been rolling down, I don't know for how long time but when we've finally reached the bottom, the shape of the man was standing in front of us holding a mace.

"Wait Elder, wait!... It's me" I tried to locate my eyes on him, but my vision was bad due to the rolling.

"Oh, gods! Forgive me, Kayla! I thought you were rogues..." he kneeled and helped us to stand up. We've walked to the main room where he placed me and Yameter on the sofas. My head was aching. "I'll go and get you some tea, it will help you with your head" I nodded. After some time Elder came back with two cups of tea. He gave one to me and others to Yammer.

"So, what brings you two here? I heard that you stopped the war" As he said that, guilt and fear were filling my indies. The memories of my father, the whispers of my brothers...

"Yes indeed, she stopped the war," said Yameter, her expression was cold and maybe felt with anger "but the price for it was big."

"I know darling" me and Yameter looked at him waiting to continue "when I found you and Mike, you were in a dead sleep. I looked into your future. "

"How could you not tell me that?"

"If I said it, it could change your future. And believe me what I saw...was terrible...I'm not talking about your father..."

"Then who?"

"Ares is the one who will make you suffer"

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