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That next following night, LeShawna opened the door with a bang. Tears welled up in her eyes but said nothing as she started to pack all of her belongings together in her suitcase. Sitting up from my bed, I rub my tired eyes to see what she's doing.

"Hey." I said before getting to my feet. "Why are you packing all your stuff?"

Her big, dark brown eyes looked up at me. The tears became a flood as she started to go off yelling.

"They kicked me off the show!" She said with a silent sob. I gasped, rushing to her side to see if she was serious. I couldn't believe my own ears.

"Why?" I shouted getting angry. "Is it because you're an empowering black female that might've intimidated the producers? I can call my parents and have that rearranged!" This can't be happening. I can't lose my best friend and my only other friend in two days. This isn't real.

"No! It's not that at all!" She sniffled.

"What happened?"

"Th-they had a vote! They said I'm leaving!" LeShawna cried angrily before kicking at the bed post bitterly. I grabbed her by the arms, pulling her into a warm hug to calm her down, but mostly to calm me down as well. I really hate today. It didn't help that I still don't get along with anyone here.

"I'm so sorry." I cried to her. "This isn't fair. You're one of the realest people here I know. Actually, you were the only one until now. I can't believe they're making you go home. This sucks! It's completely unorthodox."

"I know!" LeShawna yelled. "But there's nothin' I can do about it. Sorry, sugar. Take care of Heather for me." She pulled me into one last hug before taking her bags outside of the cabin, leaving me completely alone.

This really does suck. I'm alone with everyone I practically despise. This couldn't get any worse. Hopefully, they all drop like flies soon enough so I can win this thing.

The next morning, I couldn't even work out thanks to the rain. Normally it wouldn't stop me but it was getting increasingly heavier as it poured, and I didn't want to take the chance of slipping and breaking something, forfeiting myself out of the competition.

Instead, I sat myself on the steps of the porch and began carving into the wood with my knife. At some point, Heather and Gwen came outside, probably too bored with nothing to do in the cabins.

Heather began painting her toe nails which forced me to move all the way over to the guy's side of the cabins so I wouldn't inhale the polish. Duncan was sharpening a stick next to me while I sat around bored.

Chris' voice was heard over the loudspeaker. "Listen up, campers! One of the most grueling challenges of any summer camp experience is the dreaded rain day! Where all activities with a remote possibility of fun are cancelled in favor of the Craft Tent. The forecast for tomorrow: rain, rain, and more rain, followed by rain! See you all in the Craft Tent tomorrow at 0700 hours."

"Frowning like a big suck won't bring LeShawna back, you know." said Heather to Gwen and me. "It'll just give you premature wrinkles. Oops. Too late."

"Oh, like the ones on your forehead? Never been wiser, grandma." I said rudely from across the cabins. Heather gasped to her own horror, slapping a hand to her face. Gwen stomped onto the loose board causing her to mess up with the nail polish getting it all over her toe.

"Why don't you just put us out of our misery and vote yourself off?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, and you can go right after her." I said with a smirk. Gwen glared hard at me. "What? I'm just saying. The more people gone the better, however LeShawna should've been the one that got to stay unlike either of you negative Nancy's."

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