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Leaving the cabin and closing it carefully behind me, I stepped off the porch and began my walk as the sun slowly began to rise in the distance. I finished my lap around the island as I jogged toward the dinning hall to the back entrance of the kitchen, opening the back door to see Chef beginning to work on breakfast.

"Salut." I said with a grin.

"Good morning." Chef waved over before he went back to cooking up some eggs purposely overcooking them. "Whatcha need today, Syd?"

I was looking through all the cabinets and crooks in the kitchen. I spoke quickly, saying, "Just looking for some coffee, coconut oil, and some sugar. It's been too long since I've done a coffee scrub exfoliation and I left mine at home. Oh, do you have any turmeric?"

Immediately he pulled out a small red bottle from beneath him before presenting it on the table behind him. "Coffee is in the pantry along with the sugar and oil."

"Oh, merci," I grinned before walking over to pull the items out before mixing it together into a small plastic container.

"Was talking to your father earlier," mentioned Chef casually while he chopped vegetables, "says he misses you. Asked how you were doing. I told him you're taking names, kicking ass and taking shit from no one."

"I haven't kicked ass yet." I said a little confused, wondering what he entirely meant. "You think I could talk to Baba? Or my mama?"

"No can do." He said with a sigh. I slumped, now sad and slightly disappointed. I was beginning to miss my family. "But don't worry. Knowing them they'll try to get a word out to you. Maybe. Keep the faith."

"You got it." I said with a nod before taking my container of my scrub with me. "Thanks anyway for telling me. You're the best."

"Aww you're sweet." He waved off with a little hint of pink to his cheeks. "Now get! You want your burnt breakfast muffins and slightly hot tea or not?!"

"Oui, Chef." I grinned before leaving.

Leaving the kitchen, I headed to the communal bathrooms to shower and wash the sweat off. The hot water felt good against my back as I washed up to take care of all my business. The door was heard creaking open as footsteps entered the washroom turning the sink on. Thinking it it to be Beth or somebody else to ignore, my hands lather my expensive shampoo into my hair.

I rinsed out the soap before adding in the conditioner. My eyes could open again as I washed my body with my favorite brand. It's a bit expensive but I always come up smelling like a springtime meadow before finishing it with my homemade coffee scrub curtesy to Chef's kitchen.

Rinsing out the conditioner before turning the shower off, I squeezed out any excess water from my hair before reaching to grab for my towel. Thinking I'm completely alone, I remove the curtain to witness DJ undressing from his bathrobe as I'm wrapping myself up. The robe fell from his dark, toned shoulders as a sharp gasp slipped out.

I screamed. He screamed. My eyes shut before turning around to run out of the communal bathroom in my robe completely barefoot in the open. Nearly slipping on my own wet self, I gather myself together before running outside. I shake my head to remove all thoughts and images but it bled through each time. Instead of dwelling on it, I run to the cabins to change where Geoff had left his side of the cabin to make his way to the girls side.

"What's wrong with you?" Geoff asked me. My face flushed crimson too flustered to come up with proper words. "Did you just run out of the shower?" I looked down forgetting I was in only my robe. Beads of water cascaded down my body and from my hair. Well, this is embarrassing.

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