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The car pulled inside the long driveway that went into a deep forest. The leaves from the surrounding trees were vibrant with shades of deep green that went passing by. Going on for miles and miles along the narrow road, it finally turned into the grass through a single path in the trees going further into the woods.

Taking a few long minutes, the car breeched to a stop in front of an empty lotted gate keypad that was assumed broken to bystanders. Appearing random to outsiders and ambiguous to others there was only one purpose, and that was for its maker.

The driver pressed a button on the screen of the dash of the vehicle pulling out a number code lock. My attention wasn't focused on the key as it was already memorized in my brain at eleven months old. It was simple either way — the day my parents met: 043085 was somehow easily memorizable for me.

My father ran away from home to live a different lifestyle and ended up stumbling into her because her "anonymous tip" was really his father. My grandpa tried to have him dead and my mother was meant to follow through with it as apart of her job. However, their time together made them realize their share in similar affair and their sudden attraction to each other. It pulled the rest of the strings to their undying love to grow exponentially, giving it to us to carry out their good name.

My mom took him to live with her in Canada, considering he was banished from home, living their life together in their underground fortress my mother built in her free time, or well, her "people" doing it for her.

My Baba had gotten into trouble with the government a few times thanks to his brilliant mind and need to dominate in his businesses with people he shouldn't be messing with. He found himself in situations he shouldn't have been in at the right time, saving these people's lives because of his power and instincts. He got himself a job or two involving the higher ups, putting him in a better position that benefited everyone, especially himself.

He did that for years while my mother went on and off to different countries traveling across the world doing her job. My father got recognized for his talent before being recruited to go to training, and then to war, and to a bunch of other important things before getting himself to the top of those positions.

My Baba is very good at what he does. They both were. They were extraordinary people.

My brothers and I looked up to our parents as if they were our superheroes. We believed they could do anything. Our parents taught us everything they knew with knowledge, combat, and weaponry. They had the means, and the money, so they made a life for us to expand themselves into a business, growing in the dark but shining in the light.

They made a dedication toward each other, hence why siblings and I had such unbearably alphabetical names to such an accordance just because they believed it would somehow make us a stronger family.

We all had our roles in the household. We all had our different "quirks" to our own individuality. My mother was a killer queen. She's a very dexterous woman who was quick, agile, and unbeatable. She was an inspiration to us all. They were the reason her kids wanted to be just like her and Baba.

The car slowed to a stop seeing outside the window that we had arrived at the entry point. The door was opened on my side making it easily accessible for me to step out thanks to the chauffeur's hand.

Reaching for the keypad on the elevator door, I pressed the correct digits for the front door to open, letting me enter inside the empty lot lowering me to my home in the ground.

Feeling the sudden drop, it wasn't even a total of ten seconds before it stopped. The doors opened letting me walk through the wide, long corridors of bright red walls and shimmering drapes acting as curtains, although there were never any windows considering we were deep underneath the ground.

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