Chapter seven

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August 30/2020

By: Denisha

Teagan and Ace had fell asleep entangled. Teagan had woken up early because she had to get ready for church. She woke up two hours before Sunday school started and got ready. She went to a small church with minimal amount of people. After she took a shower, she got herself ready then she woke up Ace.

He went to church also, but they went to different churches because Ace is Catholic, and Teagan is Baptist. The two of them had no problem in their friendship with having different beliefs.

"Thanks for waking me." Ace said as he walked out of her room and to his. He would usually wake up early since his body was used to having a prison sleeping schedule but when he did wake up, he went back to sleep.

"Yeah." Teagan said quietly putting on her red lip stick. She only wore that to church and work parties. Once both of them were finished they got into the car. Teagan's church is 20 minutes away and Ace's church is only 10. Ace had been going to that church since he was a kid. This was his first time coming back in 8 years. He didn't have time to go since he was and still is going to work. He managed to get his work schedule changed so he could go give praise.

Halfway to his church Ace asked Teagan if she was okay. He knew she wasn't, but he wanted to start a conversation. "I'm fine, thanks for last night." She replied dismissively. He read the room and knew she didn't want to talk about it, so he changed the topic. The rest of his car ride was filled with laughter and chatter. He was happy that he could make her laugh especially because of the night before.

"Alright thanks for the ride." Ace said getting out and closing the car door.

"No problem, do you need a ride back?" Teagan asked through the window.

"Yeah." Ace said he got out straightening his suit. He walked into his church and sat in the very back. Halfway through church this little girl came and sat down on the pew with him. She looked to be about 6. She kept staring at him until she finally decided to speak.

"Hello sir." She said sweetly batting her long eyelashes. She was of a dark complexion. Her hair was in different color beads. He found her adorable, but his face was showing no expression.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Well, my mama told me not to speak to strangers, but she also said that people shouldn't be sad... And sir you look sad." She said looking at him and turning her head sideways. He felt his heartbeat like a drum at her cuteness.

"I'm not sad, are you sad?"

"No, do you want to be my friend?" She asked as she slid back on her shoes that somehow slipped off. She almost fell off the pew, but Ace caught her because his reflex was so fast. He put her down on the floor and she stood up giving him her other shoe.

"Where is your mother?" He asked and she pointed towards a woman with long black hair and caramel skin.

"Can you t-tie them for m-me mister...?" She asked pulling her pants leg up to her ankles then handing him her leg.

"Sure, I'm Ace. What's your name lil mama?"


He tied both of her shoes then held his hand out. "Nice to meet you, miss Keisha." She put her hand tiny hand into his tattoo one and shook it lightly.

"My friends call me Kiki." She said sitting back down while putting her sucker back into her mouth.

"Okay Kiki, do you want stay back here with me or do you want to go back up there with your mother?"

"Here!" She proclaimed happily.

"Okay." He went back to listening to the priest. Keisha sat there quietly mumbling a song here and there but then he thought she was a little too quiet to be a child and he saw her sleep soundlessly on his shoulder. He smiled a little and she stayed sleep until church was over. They ate every other Sunday after church and he stayed to eat.

Keisha's mother came to the back to find her daughter just waking up. Ace had stood up with her in his arms to put her in her mother's arms.

"Hi, I'm Brionna Youngblood, this is my daughter Keisha."

"Hi I'm Ace Hardwick." He said shaking her hand. He could see the realization on her face. He didn't know if she was going to judge him, so he expected the worse.

"M.J's brother?"

"Yes." He sighed. She smiled at him taking out a baby wipe, wiping Keisha's mouth and hands. Keisha pulled her head off her mom's shoulder and smiled at her knew friend.

"Oh M.J's talks so much about you. It was nice meeting you, I have to go get Keisha cleaned up." She said and just as she was about to walk away Keisha looked over her shoulder.

"Bye Mister Ace!" Keisha yelled waving her hand expeditiously.

"See you later Kiki." He said flashing her a small grin.


After Ace ate and spoke to some of the people he 'knew' before he went to jail Teagan picked him up. "How was church?" Teagan asked as they drove to their house.

"It was fine, yours?" He asked running his hands through his curly black hair.

"Church was church." She said sighing turning up the radio. One of Bryson Tiller's songs was on. They were both in their own little worlds. Ace was trying not to worry about Teagan and Teagan was thinking about what she wanted to eat.


When they got to the house Ace went up to his room changing out of his clothes and putting on some comfortable ones, Teagan doing the same.

For the remainder on the day, they kept to themselves. Ace took a nap and Teagan cooked some food then sat in front of the TV turning on "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit." She could say that Munch was her favorite character. After a couple of hours Ace came in the living room taking a sit beside Teagan.

"Whatcha' watching Muffin?" He asked placing her legs over his since she was laid out and he was sitting. If she were a lighter shade you would able to see her blush. She liked the nickname he gave her. She looked at the TV seeing it was showing ads. "Law and Order." She said looking back at him.

They made eye contact before he replied. "Why am I not surprised?" He asked and she playfully rolled her eyes. He sighed knowing what he was about to ask was going to ruin the good mood they had. "Are we going to talk about what happened last night?" He asked subconsciously rubbing her leg.

Her smile dropped and she avoided his eyes looking at TV. "Look the show is back on!" She said 'excitedly.' He picked up the remote pausing it.

"Why did you do that, it was getting to the good part?"


"We was about to find out who killed her." She said avoiding his conversation.

"Teagan." He said again and she could hear the seriousness in his voice.

"If I say that I'll tell you later, would you accept that answer?" She said looking down at her hands. He pulled her head upwards using two fingers making her look him in the eye.

"Only if you actually tell me later." He replied putting emphasis on the word actually. She nodded in agreement.

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