Chapter three

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August 18/2020

by: Denisha

When Teagan got off work again she went straight home. When she got home she changed into some regular clothing and laid on her couch watching TV. When she was about to go to sleep she heard a ping coming from her phone notifying her that she got a text.

Unknown: hi... i'm sorry for earlier.

Teagan read the text confused wondering who this person was. Nothing happened at working so she thought that maybe they got the wrong number.

Teagan: Who is this?

Unknown: It's Ace.

She was surprised that he was texting her but then she realized that M.J probably told him to do it. She saved his name in her phone as Ace.

Teagan: It's all good.

She was never the type to hold grudges. She knew that he just wanted to know why his sister was crying and she couldn't blame him for that.

Ace: So what are you doing?

Teagan: Shiii nothing, you?

Ace: Just got off work... I'm headed to your house.

Teagan did a double take looking at her phone. He was on his way to her house. She quickly got up and put her hair in a big puff ball. She always had a problem with her long hair because it is natural and 4c, or nappy as some people like to call it. She has never had a perm or any type of relaxer.

About 15 minutes later she heard banging on her door. She quickly headed to the door and opened it. She seen that Ace had changed his work shirt to a black shirt that said Nirvana on it. "You look pretty in casual clothes." He told her and she blushed.

"Thank you Ace." Teagan said lowly. She was wondering why he was here. It was so random for him to come to her house. She wanted to know what he wanted.

"C'mon." He said backing away from the door so she could come out.

"Where are we going?" Tegan asked as she grabbed her keys and purse.

"Just come on." He said as she locked her house.

For a while she thought that they were just walking the streets of Ohio until she saw a food truck. This food truck had a restaurant that she used to go to all the time as a kid before it closed. She smiled remembering how good the food tasted.

Ace ordered for them and they sat down on the bench waiting for their food. Once the food arrived they ate and got to know each other. For the most part Ace listened to Teagan talk. He didn't mind. He didn't really like to talk so he enjoyed all the talking she was doing.

"So what have you been up to?" Teagan asked Ace as he ate his chicken sandwich.

"Just trying to get my GED and I've been trying to find someone looking for a roommate."

She wanted to help him. She knew that he had been staying at M.J's place but she also knew that M.J's mother and father lived with her since she was taking care of them. Ace and M.J don't have the same father. Ace's name is Ace Hardwick and M.J's name is Michelle Johnson.

M.J's father, Steve has never like Ace for some reason he even believed that Ace actually burned down that factory when we all know that he wouldn't, and didn't do that. She didn't even want to imagine what it's like living in a house with a toxic 'father figure'.

"I'm looking for a roommate." She lied but she probably would need one since she's about to go back to collage to get her PhD in Information Technology. She didn't want to use a lot of money on bills. She already owns her house but now all she does is pay bills.

He looked up from his food to her, wiping his mouth in the process.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, would you like to be my roommate."

"That's a pretty big house, is the rent a lot?" He asked.

"No, its my house all you would have to do is help me pay bills, which is not that much." She said with an encouraging smile. Then she told him the prices and he was cool with them.

"You know what? Sure, can I move in next week?"

"That's cool." Teagan said then she yawn. He saw it and got up taking the containers that their food was in and put it in the trash. He walked her to her home.

"This was my apology but I did have fun." He said with a little smile on his face.

"Yeah me too." She said opening her door.

"See you tomorrow muffin." He told her and walked away.

The only thing she could say was... "Wow."

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