Chapter twenty

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By Denisha
January 15th

Two weeks later

Teagan was feeling weird. Throwing up and having and headaches. She tried to convince herself that it wasn't pregnant and it was just the flu but it wasn't flue season.

Today she had went out to the store and brought 4 pregnancies tests. Why all four of them came pack positive. Usually at least one would come back negative but no. She didn't know what to do. Ace had went out for the day and it was Teagan's day off.

So she called M.J. "What's up?" M.J answer she knew that she was at work but this was important.

"M.J." Teagan cried into the phone.

"What? Are you okay? Is Ace okay? Wait Ace is here. What's going on?" M.J bombarded her with questions.

"I'm pregnant."

"Girl stop playing and tell me what's wrong."


"Are you serious?" Teagan asked and she stop cleaning to pay more attention to what her best friend was saying.

"Have you told Ace?"

"No, I'm just now finding out. And I don't know what to do."

"We'll do you want to keep it?" M.J asked.

"Yeah, but what do you think Ace will say?"

"I honestly don't know. We never talked about kids. So I don't know how he feels on being a dad. Just tell him. I do know that he'll still up to his father role."

"Okay I'll tell him when he comes home." Teagan said nervously and he starred at the four tests.

"Yeah I'll let him off early." M.j said then they got off the phone.

Teagan was real like stressing. She wasn't reading to be a mother. She could barely mentally take care of her self. What was she going to do with a baby. A tiny part of her was happy though.

A couple hours later Ace came home. "Teagan where you at? M.J let me off early for some reason." He yelled through the house trying to find Teagan. He found her in his room looking distraught.

"What's wrong?" He asked taking off his coat and sitting by her on his bed. He had recently been sleeping in her room since it the bigger out of the two so he wondered why she was in his room.

"Ace, I got something to tell you."

"What's up?" He asked taking her hand because she seemed scared.

"I'm pregnant." Everything went silent. He dropped her hand and and starred at her like he had two heads.

"You're what?"

"Pregnant." She responded showing him the pregnancy tests. He grabbed and look at the results. He still didn't say anything just starred. Which made Teagan anxiety go sky high.

"I'm you going to be a father?" He whispered more to himself than her but she still answered.

"Yeah, you are."

"I'm going to be a father!" He yelled pulling Teagan into a hug.

"Your not mad?" She asked confused.

"No why would I be mad? Do you not want to have a kid with me?" He asked his excitement slowly leaving.

"No, no that's not it. Of course I do I just thought?"

"You thought what?" He asked letting you of the hug giving her his full attention.

"I don't know what I thought, I'm just glad that your happy." She spoke a smile popping on her face.

"I'm beyond happy muffin. He said pulling out his phone. "Have you made a doctors appointment?" He asked as they walked to the kitchen.

"No I'll do it tomorrow since it's kind of late." The were standing in front of the kitchen window when suddenly Ace energy changed. The next thing you know a gun shot fired through their home.

Ace pushed Teagan on the floor and then has hit the two bullets. One in the abdomen and one in the shoulder. Teagan saw Rylan's wife car speeding down the street.

"Ace!" She screamed running over to him.

"Teagan I'm okay." He said grabbing her hand with his bloody trying to calm her down. She quickly called the police.

"Ace please stay with me." She cried and she could see his eyes slowly opening and closing.

"Please you can't leave me like this. We wore supposed to have a family. I'm carrying your baby. Please stay with me Ace." She begged and cried.

"I love you Teagan." Ace spoke as his eyes closed. Teagan could see the life leaving his eyes.

"Nooo, Ace. Please, stay with me." The abundance came in and put him on stretcher she knew he was already gone and so was her future. She was going to get revenge.

"Hello K.J I need your help." She sniffled as she watches the love of her life flat line while in the ambulance.

He was gone and now she had to take over.

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