Villainy 202: Villains and Supervillains

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               I was sat down on a chair facing a wall and given explicit directions to "not move" while the rest of them discussed what to do with me. This was a pretty common thing in my life. I would sit in a corner while a bunch of stressed out adults whispered about what to do with me. Except now, I was an adult, so I didn't know when I was allowed to join the circle. I decided to give it 5 minutes. Besides, these particular stressed out adults had no idea what whispering was supposed to sound like. They were just talking in close proximity.

"I say we send her back." Eyeball suggested.

"Like... just tell her to walk in a random direction and watch as untold millions perish?" Gecko asked.

"I mean... we are villains." Said the tattoed up guy with the harpoons.

"Crash? I am... how do you say... applied at you!" Said the Frenchmen.

"Appalled." Eyeball corrected. "This is why Redd has been teaching English to everyone."

"Clement is my best student!" Said Redd, the redneck with the gold teeth and significantly more tattoos. Quantity over quality seemed to be his motto in regards to tattoo application. A single tear of pride fell down his face.

"I am the only one who does not leave." Clement replied.

"Okay focus." Gecko redirected. "What if... we have someone bring her back?"

"Who?" Harpoon guy asked.

"All in favor of Crash?" Eyeball asked.

Everyone but harpoon guy, who I now knew to be named Crash, raised their hands.

"ALL IN FAVOR OF HUSH?!?" Crash yelled over the crowd. Nobody but Crash raised their hands.

"Hush is literally the only competent one in this organization." Eyeball said. "Do you want us to collapse? Do you have something against your sister?"

"Besides... who's gonna power your hover gizmo?" Crash asked.

The room went silent.

"Oooh yeah... you do have that fireball thing. That was useful." Eyeball mused. "Should we... just all take her in and stage a group breakout?"

Hush stepped forward. Her name was correct. A hush fell over the whole group.

"We should keep her." She said, before returning to her former position.

"...But why though?" Eyeball asked. Hush shrugged and started fishing in the floor.

What followed was a knock down, drag out fistfight between everyone except Hush. Things were thrown, names were called, and feelings and faces were severely hurt. Hush gently walked over to me and tapped me on the shoulder.

"You can stand up now." She said.

I didn't have any reason to disagree. Redd managed to twist metal bits into a huge titan. Everyone else stared in abject terror.

"Pick that thing up please." Hush suggested.

I'd not been asked with a "please" in several years. It sounded wrong somehow, coming from someone who wasn't an absolutely devastated prison warden, but I couldn't say no to someone who asked so nicely. I walked over to the giant colossus and tried to pick it up... and accidentally pushed my hand too far into the foot. It started to crumble on me, so I put my hands above me to catch it, and accidentally chopped the thing in half. I tried to grab either side, but I forgot to hold it delicately. I smashed both sides into each other, and I was left with a pile of rusted metal that twitched for just a moment then sat still.

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