Supervillains 202

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I came into prison mad. I'd never done anything with bad intentions, why were bad things happening to me? The bad mood continued all the way to my cell, where it was immediately cut short by a shrill, girlish scream. I also let out a shrill, girlish scream, but more of delight than anything.

"Careful, Ivan", I told myself. "Don't let your face turn red. You know better than anyone that he's afraid of the color white."

The professor, the jerk that ruined my life in the first place, was my new cellmate.

"Behave." Said the prison guard, shutting the feeble bars that I could definitely shapeshift through behind him. The glee continued. I could leave whenever I wanted, the not ex-professor was going to stay put. He was stuck in the lion cage. First impressions were everything, and I would not disappoint. I managed to condense mist in my hands and fire it at a wall hard enough to crack concrete. It hurt my hands like crazy. It was worth it. He backed into the corner, heavily hyperventilating.

"So". I began. "How would you like to plead for your life?" Strong opener, if I do say so myself. He just kind of quivered in the corner. I... didn't expect to be so good at this. Maybe I could take it down a notch to get some proper groveling? This was going to be my new home for a while and I wasn't prepared to sleep with this idiot's fevered sobs and panicked wheezing for months.

"Can I at least get a rating on how intimidating I've been? Scale of 1 to 10, come on." I tried to reason.

"You... took everything from me." He stuttered. "Are you here to kill me?"

"Considering it." I replied.

"Good. Could you do it quickly please? You won't have the cell to yourself until you do." Replied the professor. He'd visibly aged over the last decade. His hair had receded back to the point where I could see the vast majority of his scalp, and he had wrinkles around his eyes and the sides of his mouth. His cheeks sunk into the sides of his face and his prison uniform sagged on his thin, bony body. I had never killed a person before. This didn't seem sporting.

"Can you at least put up some vestige of a fight? Call me names? Do something?" I asked.

"Why on earth would I do that?" He replied. "I went against all my principles and my best friend died."

"Come again for the guy that watched you dismember a teenager?" I replied.

"Do I need to tell you the whole story before you murder me, or could I just call you a name and throw a punch and then be more quickly murdered? What if I just poop in the cell?" He said, without a glint of humor in his eye.

"Yeah. Or I'll just torture you again." I demanded. I didn't like the guy, I didn't pity him, but I was on a train of villainous actions so I at least wanted to know how I wrecked this guy's life.

"I have always been good at science." He said, without even a look in my direction. "From a young age, I was very talented in school, but I found a passion for weapon design. Since I was a pacifist, you can see how this may have been an issue."

"News to me, considering you dismembered a teenager and attempted to murder two others." I replied. He ignored me.

"It wasn't until I got older that I found a use for my abilities. I saw Galactic Mask on the news. I thought I would be able to help him defeat this villain, this female electricity vampire. Without his knowledge, I built a few weapons that could contain her and left to track her down and save lives. She told me something about "the shifting winds of alliance", but I didn't believe her. We fought, then Galactic Mask showed up. I told her why she was dangerous, but he took her side and the two of them managed to defeat me and leave me in a crumpled mess of my machine. She was imperfect. Problematic. Heroes are meant to be perfect."

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