Villainy 210: Surveillance

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The entire league set an ambush for a bowling alley and quickly took it over while I was slowly walking my way there. According to Crash, there wasn't enough room in the car for me. It was a slow walk to Oklahoma City, watching sheriff cars from nearby small towns pile into the city. I figured they would recognize the pink haired girl on the side of the road, but I had neglected to consider hair dye as a potential second reason for why a girl's hair might be pink, and the police probably weren't in the habit of pulling over every pink haired girl on the grounds that they might be me.

When I arrived, following the trail of police cars, there was already a pretty sizeable blockade up front. It was only when I walked through a car to approach the bowling alley that they put the pieces together, shot at me a couple times, put a few holes in my new costume, and gave up wasting ammo.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked Redd, who was sitting inside a triceratops with wheels made out of rust that he created, which served mostly to deflect bullets.

"Oh. Cool. Yer here. We pretty much got this situation covered, so if you could just guard that door, that would be swell."

Seems like they'd been through this process a few times. I was charged with guarding an employee entrance at the back end of the bowling alley. The door said "employees only" on it, but I figured given the circumstances that rule probably did not apply to me. It was locked, which I learned by accidentally busting the lock when I tried to open the door, then trying to fix the door by pushing it back in, which broke the hinges, then trying to shove the hinges back in, which broke the doorframe. If by "Guard the door", Redd meant "keep it from harm", it's safe to say I'd pretty much failed. I chose to assume it meant "don't let anyone inside."

At first I was vigilant. I guarded the door with absolute diligence, looking on from my post at the dirt hill behind the bowling alley with the focus of a meerkat. Then I started thinking about meerkats. I hoped one would pop up from the dirt hole I was staring at. Maybe it would be afraid of people, but it would like me. Animals normally had a deep, primal fear of me, but I'd never met a meerkat before. It was probably different. My mind started to wander about what was going on inside. Hopefully this "Flare" person Ivan wanted to find came soon. I thought I might have heard the name before, but I didn't remember exactly who it was. Was it that Chinese girl from the mechanic shop? I mean, she said the name a lot and I wasn't really paying attention to what anyone said, so it probably was.

I started to get really bored staring at the dirt hill. A though occurred to me. I didn't have to guard the door from the outside. What if I just peeked inside to see what was going on? Just a little quick look, then back to my post. I stuck my arm inside the door. Nobody said anything. I leaned back, so my head was in. Nobody said anything. Finally, I took a step inside, and with trepidation, turned around to see what was going on inside. I'd hit the motherlode. This... this beautiful room that I'd happened upon, was a security room. A small selection of tv monitors lined a wall, displaying in beautiful grainy black and white exactly what was going on in the entire bowling alley. I could even see myself. On the desk was another boon, a set of headphones. I put them on, and I could hear audio from one of the cameras. The door guarding duty to which I'd been assigned had shifted from an absolute bore to the most exciting tv show I'd ever watched.

Ivan was sitting at a desk, feet up on a table, seemingly waiting, while several bowlers were lined up along the shoe rental stand, hands tied.

"Sir? Mr. Supervillain sir?" Asked one of the bowlers, a rotund man with a bald head who kind of reminded me of a bowling ball.

"Oh my gosh! What do you need now?" Ivan replied, with obvious frustration in his voice. The bowler cowered for a second before continuing.

"I... I have to use the bathroom." He said.

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