Chapter Thirty-Eight: Athena

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It almost killed me, saying the words, saying them and watching her, looking at me, horrified and heartbroken. She had already been crying, and she cried some more. I turned and ran as soon as I said it, so she wouldn't see me cry.

I slammed the door behind me and collapsed on my bed. I can't believe I just did that.

We can't work, I had said.

I cried and cried. I couldn't help it.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Julian.

I'm sorry, Scarlett.

The more I thought about it, the more I cried. Eventually I cried myself to sleep.


"Athena. Come out. Now. Please?"

It was Julian, and I was in no mood to see him or anyone else. My head was pounding and I was cold and shivery. I didn't respond.

"Athena! Please. Come out! Or at least let me in."

"Go away," I croaked.

He pounded on the door more insistently. "At least eat some food! You haven't eaten in two days."

He was right. I had been sitting in here, crying, sleeping, and occasionally attempting to read for two days. Avoiding everyone.

"I'm not hungry!" I shouted. "Leave me alone!" 

The knocking stopped. I hoped that meant Julian had left. I sighed, relieved, and laid my head down on my pillow.

Then someone banged in the door very insistently. I growled, and walked over to the door, unlocking it and flinging it open.

"What do you w-" I started. "Oh."

It was Scarlett. Her face was red and her eyes were puffy and bloodshot. Apparently she hadn't stopped crying, either. She was holding a plate of cooked deer meat.

"Eat," Scarlett said. "Please."

She shoved the plate into my hands and then ran away, but not before I saw a shiny tear fall and felt guilty once more.

I started to call after her but she was already gone.

I retreated into my room. I ate the food slowly, mostly picking at it. I didn't feel like eating.

The door opened. I realized, belatedly, that I had forgotten to lock it. I swore as I turned to see whom it was.

Julian was standing in the doorway, closing the door behind him. He glared at me from across the room.

"Athena," he said. "So, still not eating?"

I had only eaten a few bites off my plate. I frowned at it, avoiding Julian's gaze.

"Fine. But listen to me. When I said I had thought you'd respect-"

"Yeah?" I interrupted. "Here's where you lecture me about my decisions, correct? Go ahead, lecture away."

"Athena." Julian's voice was disappointed. "Listen. Please. I hadn't meant for you to tell her that you couldn't-"

"You could have been a bit more clear," I snapped. "First you want me to respect your marriage, now you're lecturing me about breaking if off with her. That's more than a bit confusing."

"Have you seen her, Athena? She's not acting...human anymore. She's waking around numbly, aimlessly-"

"Oh, yeah?" I said. My heart ached for her.

"Stop acting like you don't care."

"Who says it's an act?"

"Athena. I know you. You do care; I can read it on your face. Go tell her-"

"Tell her what?!" I demanded. "I've already broke her. She hates me now. What am I supposed to do, walk up to her and yell just kidding?! I don't think so. Besides, even if I found something to say, I would only be disrespecting your marriage."

"Look," Julian said. "I already know it's my fault. But you can fix it-"

"No," I said softly, "I don't think I can." 


"Go, please. Go. I just need some space."

"You've had plenty of space," Julian said very quietly, but got up and left. I didn't bother with the door and collapsed on my bed. I stared at the window; the curtains were half-open and I could see out of it.

I saw the shadows moving.

I must be seeing things, I insisted to myself, but I saw it again.

A shadow separated from the rest of them, taking she shape of a boy; a boy holding a knife tight in his grip.

Surely it can't be Julian? He was just in my room...

But the shadow was gone as soon as it had appeared.

Maybe I am just imagining things, I thought again, laying down and hiding under the blankets.


There was a scream. Scarlett's scream. And it was coming from downstairs. Julian was shouting.

I jumped out of bed and flung my door open, running down the steps two at a time.

They were by the door. It was like the scene with Julian all over again, except Scarlett was being held hostage.

"Which one of you is the Queen's child," demanded a tall, blonde-haired, pale-faced boy. He was holding a knife to Scarlett's neck. There was already blood trickling down it. She had already been cut.

"We all have royal parents," I said dismissively, even though I knew specifically which queen he was talking about.

The boy growled. "You both seem to love this one dearly. Maybe..." suddenly he jerked his hand and it moved from her neck to her thigh and stabbed it. Scarlett screamed again. "Unless you tell me which one is the Queen's daughter, she dies."

"I don't think you want to-"

"Ah, so it's this one."

"I didn't say-"

"The Queen," he snapped, "wanted me to find and kill her."

"You can't," I said desperately.

I realized that Julian was gone. I couldn't see him.

"Oh, but I can. I have the right to-"

Suddenly, Julian came out of nowhere and jumped at the boy with a very sharp-looking knife.

Laughing, the boy moved behind Scarlett.

Julian's knife plunged into Scarlett's stomach. There was blood everywhere, covering Julian's hand, the knife, the floor...

"I see my work has been done for me," the boy said. "Thank you."

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