Chapter Eleven: Scarlett

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I'm terrified. My parents here... They must be here to punish me. No doubt they will...

They walk past me and sit in their chairs, their menacing gazes never leaving me. How dare you, their gazes said. How dare you be happy. How dare you let them know...

I sobbed on Athena's shoulder. I don't care who saw it. Let them think, let them know that I'm weak. Athena patted my back. I was grateful she was there.

My parents were introduced and I straightened up, wiping my face and staring blankly at the table. I wanted to leave, now. Only Athena kept me from running. I would have been found, anyway, I reminded myself. I would have been found and punished, and I would be worse off.

They can't do anything to me now. If I don't do anything wrong, they can't.

The food was handed out. I barely tasted what I did eat; I mostly just pushed it around my plate subconsciously. Athena kept glancing at me with a worried expression. Julian was muttering to her.

The whole thing seemed to last hours. I could feel my parents' gaze burning into me. I didn't flinch. I shoved another spoonful of corn into my mouth and slowly chewed it. There was chatter all around me. Athena was sitting close, her hand holding mine. Still holding mine. Gripping it tightly. I gripped it just as tightly, as if she was my lifeline.

I managed to survive lunch. Mostly everybody filed out. Julian, Athena, and I attempted to leave as well, but my mother gripped my arm, preventing me from leaving. The other two stayed with me, Athena gripping my hand, Julian leaning casually against the table.

"Follow me," my mother hissed into my ear. I did as she said. She lead me to a small, empty hallway. Portraits lined the white walls; the floor was red carpet. 

"Lose those brats," my mother hissed at me.

I shrugged. "I don't control what they do."

My mother slapped me in front of Athena and Julian. I showed no reaction.

"Obviously you do, or else they wouldn't be tagging along with you. Nobody likes you, darling," she added in a high, sweet voice false to her words. I shrugged again.

"You two," she said, turning to Athena and Julian, "please leave us now. We have to have a discussion-"

"I believe," Julian interrupted, "that private discussion with the Chosen after their Choosing is prohibited. We could leave and tell somebody, or stay and keep s secret."

I was surprised Julian was sticking up for me.

My mother looked shocked. "I am the Queen of Az-"

"I am fully aware of who you are," Julian said in a calm voice, "however, private discussions with the Chosen are forbidden, like I said."

"Fine," my red-faced mother said. "All of you lot, leave, now."

"I think," Athena spoke up, "since you made us miss it, you must show is where to go now."

"I didn't-you chose-" my mother stuttered.

"Please, ma'am," Julian said.

"Damn you," she muttered. "Well? Hurry up then, unless you want to be left behind!"

When Julian, Athena, and I were dropped off in a large room and told to wait for further instructions, Athena burst out laughing. Then she stopped and looked apologetically at me.

"That," I said, "was awesome. Why-?"

"We couldn't let her bully you like that," Julian said, close to laughter himself.

"No, of course not," Athena said, grinning.

"Thank-" I started, but just then the door opened and a servant came in.

"You are to stay in separate bedrooms until the dinner feast," the servant said. "Then your bedroom doors will be locked. I suggest you get a good night's sleep tonight.  Follow me."

She dropped each of us off in a different room, me last.

The room was white and clean, with a cream colored carpet and a large, soft bed with white sheets and a thick blue blanket.

I sat on the bed, feeling very lonely and bored and wishing for Athena-

The door clicked open, and then she was there, grinning, in a white cotton dress. "At the end of the bed," she said, and I saw the same dress folded up.

Athena shut the door and turned to face it as I changed, then she came over and sat on the bed. I sat next to her and yawned. She lay down and I lay down next to her, laying my head on her chest...and I drifted off into the deep embrace of sleep and good dreams that I would never remember.


There was a knock on my door. I jerked awake. I was alone.

The door opened and the swrvenr walked in. "Dinnertime, miss," she said and lead me to the dining room.

There was a feast even larger than the lunch feast. I sat down I'm between Athena and Julian. I was ravenous, and scarfed down plate after plate as it was served. And the cherry pie dessert was delicious and warm...

And then we were lead to our rooms and locked in. Athena didn't come in that night.

My dreams were horrible. I saw Athena and Julian dead in pools of blood, and my mother cackling just a few feet away...

There was a change of rules and I was allowed in, she said, laughing and laughing. Then she chased me...

This is what you get. This is what you get for flapping your mouth...can't keep a secret, can you? Poor Scarlett! Her voice dripped with sarcasm. And I was trapped, enemies circling around me...I shivered...I didn't want to be in the Competitions anymore... Would it be better for me to die?

I didn't know what was real and what was fake anymore. Was I being chased? Was I in my bed, sweating and screaming?

Knock knock knock

The sound of a fist on wood. I wirled around, but saw no one...

And then my eyes snapped open and I saw the servant hovering over me.

"Wake up, Scarlett wake up, it's time for the Championships."

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