Chapter Three: Scarlett

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Athena, that’s what Julian said his sister’s name was. Her skin was dark, her eyes a shiny gold. Her hair was long in braids down her back and she wore huge circular silver earrings. She was beautiful.

I felt crushed when she told me if I got Chosen, and I most definitely would, I had to join in the Competitions. I’d just started making friends, and I would already be separated from them.

“I’m sorry,” Athena said, and her eyes were filled with pity. I didn’t want her pity, not from something as insignificant as this.

“It’s nothing,” I said. “It’s fine.” And I ate the rest of breakfast in silence.

When we were finished, Julian showed me the castle anyway. It was large, with many rooms, many kitchens, room for many people. In fact, there were many people.

My favorite part was the library. It was large and had many books, which, unlike the books in Azreal, seemed very interesting. I asked Julian if I could stay for a bit; I’d always liked reading, even if it was the dull books of Azreal. Julian nodded and left silently.

I found a random book that sounded interesting and curled up and started reading. I only got a few pages in when I heard a rustling. I looked up and saw Athena, searching for a book. She found one and sat down next to me and read in silence. I went back to my book and we sat like that for what was probably hours but felt like maybe half an hour. Eventually, Athena shut her book and started to speak.

“I apologize, Scarlett. I know you just left a... sensitive situation, and you think you’re going back to one, but... you may not even be Chosen, and if you are... you seem strong. You survived with your parents all these years, I’m sure... I’m sure you can survive the Competitions.”

“It wasn’t easy,” I whispered. “And I had help... it wasn’t always this bad, anyway. You healed me, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I did, but—"

"I can't do it on my own. I doubt I'd be any good making alliances."

"Julian might be there, too. He might be Chosen. He could help you."

"What if he doesn't? Or what if he can't help me?" What if I'm a burden? I really wanted to ask. Of course, I would be. I always was.

Athena opened her mouth but just them Julian burst in. "Scarlett! Athena! Come quickly."

Athena and I looked at each other with puzzled looks and hurried to Julian. He led us to a room which he explained was soundproof. There were comfortable looking chairs spread out around the room. Julian sat down.

"We aren't supposed to be talking about this... but there are going to be a lot of rule changes to the Competitions. I'm not sure about all of them, but one of them is when the Chosen are to be... y'know, Chosen. It will be next week. We don't have time to prepare you, Scarlett. You have to work extra hard."

"Do I—what if I don't get Chosen?"

"Scarlett, I don't want to tell you lies, so I won't. You are probably going to get Chosen, especially since your parents... I mean, they probably want to see you hurt. They'll probably vote for you to be nominated and Chosen, and... From what I've been hearing, jealous princesses everywhere are voting for you because you got... got married to me."

"That's not my fault," I complained. "Won't you be there? O-or Athena?"

"Two females... That's not... Two females have never been Chosen. And I doubt that I will get Chosen, as I have to be king here..."

"But you two are married," Athena said. I might have imagined it, but her voice sounded jealous. Jealous of me... Or jealous of Julian?

"True... Well, I dunno," Julian said. "We'll have to see. Lunch, anybody?"


The rest of the day was spent either hanging out in the library or in the dining room. No more was discussed of the Competitions.

The next day was a different story. A servant woke me up early and took me to eat breakfast quickly. When I was done, she brought me to a weapons room similar to the one my parents had beat me in. I was scared, for a moment, that it was all a dream and I was back home.

But Julian was walking across the room, grabbing weapons and handing them to Athena, who's arms were pretty full already.

"From what I know," Julian said, "that should be enough."

And he lead us to a training room with cloth dummies, punching bags, targets—which had holes from arrows and knives—and a climbing wall. Athena set the weapons on the floor. Julian left.

"What weapon are you least good at?" Athena asked.

"I dunno, I've never used one. The bow, maybe."

"Hm," Athena said, and picked up a silver bow with a vine design twisted around it. She also grabbed a quiver of arrows with solver arrowheads. It all looked very pretty and expensive, too much so for me to handle.

"Have a go, then," Athena said and handed them to me. She showed me how to shoot it, but when I tried on my own, I was dreadful.

"It's a very good thing," Athena said, "that there are rarely bows. We'll need quite lot of practice."

She handed me a silver sword with an elaborate hilt next, and told me to fight her.

I was scared at first, but when i figured out that Athena wouldn't let me hurt her no matter how hard I tried, I fought harder and better. I'd never so much as dabbled in swordplay before, but the moves seemed to come naturally. Still, I couldn't best Athena and in the end she disarmed me.

"Scarlett," she said, breathing heavily, "that was some of the best swordplay I've ever seen."

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