Chapter Six: Scarlett

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The rooms were bare and depressing and did nothing to improve my mood. The bed was uncomfortable, the sheets scratchy, and there was nothing to do, so I sat on the floor and read and re-read the letter I had gotten from the small lady.

Dear Scarlett,

Your father and I are quite excited for you. Our very own daughter, getting Chosen? That's an honor. We hope your training has prepared you to behave well.

Getting Chosen is the consequence for your "good" behavior. I hope they treat you as you deserve.

From the King and Queen of Azreal

Translation? This is your punishment for defying us. I hope you die, or worse.

"Y-your parents," the squeaky woman had whispered in my ear, "what did they do to you?"

But I couldn't answer. I couldn't tell her. I wanted to-how weak of me, how foolish-but I couldn't. I never could. Never, because they would find out. My parents would find out and punish me. Kill me, or worse.

I was a coward.


Sleep didn't come easily that night-and when it did, it was a restless sleep.

I dreamed it my mother chasing me with a long, sharp sword. She was growling and and trying to cut off my head. "You told someone?" she shrieked. "You dared tell someone?" She finally caught me and had the cold blade pressed against my throat when I woke up, screaming, sobbing, and sweaty.

Athena was beside my bed.

She was stroking my hair, telling me it would be alright, that it was just a dream... Just a dream... I was okay, it was just a dream...

"Shh, Tigris," she said, and for a moment I thought I was dreaming again, because only Rosalie called me Tigris, only she knew about the nickname. And surely Rosalie was hundreds of miles away... surely I wasn't hallucinating...

But then I didn't care if I was dreaming or not, because Athena, still stroking my hair, started reading a book out loud. Her voice was soft but strong, and it had a calming, hypnotizing effect. Slowly I calmed down: my sweat dried and my breathing slowed. My eyelids got heavy and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up at some point in the middle of the night, and Athena was laying next to me, arm slung protectively over my body.


When I woke up, Athena was gone, and I half-thought I dreamt it all, until I saw the corner of a large book peeking out from under the bed. There was a bit of paper sticking out between the pages.

A note from Athena.


Please don't mention last night until we are alone. I will explain.


I tucked the letter into the pocket inside my coat, then went to find Athena. She wasn't in her own room, so I checked Julian's, and sure enough, there they were, discussing something intently, heads tilted together. Incouldnt hear them.

They hardly seemed to notice my entrance, so I went to back out of the room. But Athena saw me. Her eyes sparkled a bit when we made eye contact, or maybe it was my imagination. She waved me over.

I sat down next to her on the raggedy red rug.

"You slept late," Athena said. "It's almost lunch time. After lunch, we have to train some more with the big dude."

I nodded a tiny bit. I said nothing the rest of the day until after training, when Athena lead me to her room.

"About last night. I heard screaming... From your room. I was scared they were torturing you. I magicked the door open and I saw you... You were screaming about your mother, screaming apologies, saying you didn't mean it... I used magic to conjure a book and read to you... I'm sorry, I-"

I hugged Athena, and she stopped speaking. "Thank you," I murmured into her shoulder.

Athena stiffened, but hugged me back. "I didn't think-I didn't want-I mean-"

"It's fine," Athena, I said and then pulled away from the embrace. "It helped."

Athena nodded. "Well, er... I'm sure Jules is expecting us... We should go."

I nodded and follows Athena to Julian's room, but there was a do not disturb sign on the door. I looked at Athena, who shrugged. We went back to her room and read together in silence until dinner.


Dinner, as was expected by now, was like that of a funeral. Nobody spoke, everybody ate quickly, wishing to escape the dead silence. After dinner, the large man that trained us the last two days stood and spoke.

"Tomorrow you will be given access to a library; instead of works of fiction, however, you will be reading about how the other Champions have won. How to survive. Groups more than of three are forbidden. You will have two days to read and plan what you're going to do."

Then we were let free, or rather, sent to another prison: our rooms.

Athena's book from the night before was still under my bed, k I picked it up and read it until I heard something... Someone... By the door. The handle jiggled, but wasn't opening. I was terrified...

Who could it be? Would I be murdered already? Before the Championships even started? Was I seen that much as a threat?

There was no way; I never let anyone know my strengths.

I hid my book under the lumpy mattress and crept to the metal door that seemed to be locked not on the inside or outside, but somewhere in between. I heard something dragging against the door, as if searching... Maybe searching for the lock mechanism?

And then something clicked. The lock, I assumed. The door glowed faintly gold, fading slowly. I stared in wonder at the door... Who could it be..? Who was at my door?

I couldn't speak, my voice was frozen. The door opened and a figure crept in...

I screamed and a hand clamped over my mouth.

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