Chapter Sixteen: Julian

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Athena worried too much. After she healed my arm, I felt great, and ready to actually help.

I crept through the woods silently, hardly daring to break so much as a stick. I held a dagger ready in my hand just in case. At first, I heard nothing, not even the chatter of animals or chirping of crickets. Then I heard the crunch crunch crunch of footsteps - and they sounded human.

I freaked out for a moment, but decided it would be better to freak out when I knew for sure that this was a bad person.

Then I heard a small, high-pitched voice. "H-hello? Who's there?"

Julian said nothing.

"Who's there?!" The voice trembled less now.

Julian stumbled and snapped a particularly loud stick.

"Show yourself!" the high-pitched voice said. Then Julian's shirt was grabbed and pulled back so quickly he almost choked.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"I was just trying to get through the forest-"

"What for?" the girl snarled, turning me to face her. Her curly hair was inky black, her eyes were pools of brown, her skin pale. She looked almost completely like the boy that had stabbed me - the same hairstyle, even - but with a woman's body.

"J-just to see what was going on," I muttered, terrified now.

"Have you seen my brother?" she hissed.

"I - yes. He stabbed me...but I didn't see him after that, because I blacked out."

The girl cursed. "That's not what I meant for him to do with it. Why did he stab you? And how are you still alive - and up and walking, at that?"

"He wanted our stuff; he said he knew we killed...his mates, is what he said. And as for how I'm alive, I don't know. My sister is a genius healer."

"We got kidnapped...and now I'm lost." She sounded helpless. "I do hope - that is...if you want...could you help me?"

I thought for a moment. "Do you know what's been going on?" I asked. It would be easier than endangering myself.

"I know a bit. I can tell you in exchange for food and...maybe a place to sleep?"

I nodded. It was a great risk, as she may have been dangerous, but sometimes you have to take risks. Otherwise may be considered cowardice. "Great, okay. Talk on the way, and I'll get you some stuff. Though, maybe not a bed to sleep in. Wait until the morning, and I'll make sure Athena lets you in."

The girl nodded. "I'm Addi, by the way."

"Julian," I grunted. Then she told me what she knew about deaths and stuff.

"And they're talking about making alliances already. But nobody has done anything, as far as I know. Is that it?" she said, nodding toward the castle. I nodded.

"There is a shed out back you can sleep in - I hope you don't mind. I just need time to convince my sister...especially since you look just like the boy. It'll be better for you to come during the daylight when she can see you properly."

Addi nodded and said, "I just need a shelter to sleep in; it looked like it was to rain tonight."

"Alright. I'm going to go find you some food...stay silent, please."

I snuck inside to grab some meat that Scarlett and Athena had left out from dinner when I came back. There was plenty there to feast me and Addi.

I gave her the food and then bid her goodnight, the entered the castle loudly this time. Athena and Scarlett ran down the stairs quickly.

I told them what I had heard, leaving out the bit about who I heard it from. I really was planning on telling them about Addi, but Athena never gave me the chance.

I'll tell them tomorrow," I decided.


The next day was silent. Scarlett started cleaning again upstairs, and Athena was always nearby, whispering to Scarlett things that made her laugh. It seemed as if I and my sister were drifting apart. I didn't feel as jealous as I normally did, but there was a tiny bit of the feeling. I guess my near-death made me realize that it wasn't that important.

When they took a break for lunch, I decided to bring it up.

"I met someone last night. A girl. Her name was Addi-"

"That's the name of the sister of the boy," Athena hissed.

"Yes, but-"

"I'll bet she wants to finish the job that the boy failed," Athena continued. "Why were you conversing with her? I thought you said you stayed hidden."

"She was alone, and helpless - without so much as a weapon!" I cried. "Now listen to me, will you? I gave her some food last night, and she slept in the shed-"

"You gave her access to the castle?" Athena hissed. Scarlett looked very uncomfortable.

"She was helpless-"

"She could have gone and told others where we were and raided us!"

"Listen to me," I snapped. "What about that mercy you wanted before we began?"

"I lost that idea when I almost lost you," Athena said, dangerously quiet. "But go ahead, if you want to endanger yourself again - or even me or Scarlett."

"Here's what I say. We keep her in the castle - no contact to anyone, she's not even allowed to leave. We give her food and a bed, and pretend she's one of us. But if she tries to escape, she meets the same end as her brother."

Athena scowled. "If she so much as thinks about hurting anyone, she's gone."

"So that's an agreement?" I asked, hopeful.



After we finished eating, I kept the leftover meat out and left the castle to grab Addi. She was still asleep in the shed - the poor thing. I woke her.

"Did your sister agree?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she sat up.

"Yes. Rather reluctantly, might I add. If you are to stay with us, however, you must keep in the castle at all times and have contact with no one."

"That's fine," Addi said. "Shall we go in now?"

"Yes," I said. "Follow me."

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