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"A 22-year-old woman was involved in a horrible car crash. Lost a proximate over two kilograms of blood, broke her left leg in three different places, and broke at least more than five ribs, maybe even more." A paramedic named Larry shouted to a group of nurses.

Doctor Christian Shephard ran down the hall towards his new patient. He laid his hand down on the bed, pushing the bed faster towards the near OR.

"A bystander gave her CPR, probably saved her life!" Larry added.

"Let's hope they did! Inform her family about her whereabouts. Let them come to the hospital as fast as they can. Denise prepare the O.R. We need to operate as fast as we can." Dr. Shephard orders. Denise nodded and ran to the O.R. "Is there anything else I need to know?"

"Yes, she is 3 months pregnant. Her boyfriend told us. He sat next to her in the passenger seat." Larry ads.


"Where is she?" Sawyer asks, while looking between Kate and Jack. "You let her go by herself?"

"We tried to stop her." Kate says quietly.

If there is one thing that they all could agree on is how stubborn yet determined Robyn is. Probably the most loyal person of their group. No matter what or how dangerous the situation is she will find a way to help.

"In which direction did she go?" Sawyer asked, his heart is beating loudly in his eardrum convinced it might explode in a matter of seconds.

"Robyn went that way. However you can't catch up to her. Robyn knows how to track and she is fast." Jack says, putting his hands on his hips. "And not to forget we aren't the only ones on this island."

"I'm going." He says.

"Sawyer!" Kate gently wraps her hand around his arm and pulled him back. "Didn't you hear what Jack said?"

"I heard him loud and clear, Freckles!" He yells. "I see you all at dinner."

Kate and Jack both sighed deeply. There was no way they could stop him from looking for her.


"Ms Smith? Can you hear me?" A deep voice asked her.

A loud, but, continue beeping sound fills her eardrum as she sees a dark shadow hovering over her. A sharp pain stings in her ribcage and a loud grunt of pain leaves her mouth as she tries to move.

"Can you hear me?" The voice asked her again.

"Where am I?" Her vision is still a bit blurry. "Who are you?"

A clicking of a pen caught her off guard. "I'm Dr. Christian Shephard and you are laying in St. Sebastian Hospital. You were in a car accident."

"Car accident?" She questions. Her mind is still a bit warry, but, then it hit her. "Where is Jason? Is he okay? My baby!" She screams.

"Please, Miss, you have to try to stay calm. I-" Dr. Shephard got cut of by two nurses who busted into the room.

Robyn reached for her stomach, trying to feel her baby. Tears are already streaming down her cheeks. "I can't feel my baby? Where is my baby!"

"Robyn? Can you hear me, darling? Listen to my voice. Can you try to listen to my voice?" Denise gently places her hands on her shoulders trying to keep her to stay in one place.

"My baby?" Robyn presses her head in the soft pillow. Her worst nightmare became real.

"Robyn?" A deep manly voice call out her name.

"My baby?" She whispers, as she tries to focus on whoever was trying to come closer to her. Her head is throbbing like crazy.

Sawyer kneels down beside her on the ground. Her hands were reaching out to him, like she knew that he was close. Sawyer gently took her small hand in his. "Are you okay?" He asks.

Robyn reaches for the back of her head with her other hand, but, Sawyer beated her to it. He softly presses his hand to the back of her head, feeling a warm and sticky mess glued to her head. Sawyer helps Robyn sit up, before removing his hand to see blood.

"W-What happened?" She questions while looking up to meet his eyes, hoping to see somewhat of a reaction. Nothing. "Sawyer?"

"I don't know." He softly brings her head forward to look at her wound. It didn't look good. Sawyer rips one of his sleeves off and gently presses it to her wound to stop it from bleeding.

"Ethan." She mumbles, trying hard to keep her eyes open. "I-I heard voices?" Robyn looks swiftly around her.

"Do you think you can walk?" Sawyer decided to ignore her for now. All he needed to do is bring her back to Jack so he could patch her up. Robyn won't come with him if she knew Claire and Charlie were still out there. He gently pulled her up by her arms. She tries to put her weight on her feet, but, her knees were too weak to let carry her body.

Sawyer puts her arm around his neck and softly picked her up. Robyn let her head rest against his chest, still fighting to keep her eyes closed. "No." She whispers, hitting with her hand against his chest.

"Just close your eyes. I'm here with you. You're safe." Sawyer says as soon as his words left his mouth Robyn closes her eyes.


"She still haven't moved?" Michael asks as he stopped beside Jack and Sawyer who where watching Robyn from a distance patiently waiting for her to throw a tantrum on why he brought her back to the beach.

Jack looked down at his feet and thought to himself to go up to her and comfort her. Whatever happened to her in the deep off the jungle, it clearly broke her. Robyn wasn't the Robyn he met twelve days ago. Her drive to find Claire and Charlie was vanished for the time being. All she did now, was, stare at the blue ocean in front of her.

"It's been a day, right?" Vincent, the golden lab hopped around the three men.

"Yes, I think you should go and talk to her." He knew that Robyn probably wanted to be left alone with her thoughts right now, but, he needed to know what happened to her. Robyn is a strong woman who wouldn't be knocked of her feet this easy.

Sawyer shakes his head. "I don't think she wants to talk right now, Jack. She needs to be alone for a little while."

"If we want to find Claire and Charlie we need to know what's out there. She was mumbling about voices right?" Jack asks Sawyer.

"If you want to find them then why don't you go and look for them yourselves, Indiana Jones." Sawyer snorted before continuing, "If I haven't gone after her right then Robyn could have been in the hands of a monster or maybe even worse. Where were you when I found her head cracked open and disoriented? If it weren't for me Robyn wouldn't be here."

He wanted nothing more than to comfort her and assure her that everything will be okay, but, he knew better to leave her alone. Jack and Michael might not understand where he is coming from, but, he didn't care about them. They weren't there when he founded her by that thick tree like a scared little dove. Sawyer will never forget the fear she had portrayed in her eyes. The way she was shaken terribly in his arms. For some reasons it hurts him to see her terrified like that and from that moment he swore he would protect her from whatever attacked her.

Sawyer shrugged his shoulders and left Jack and Michael by themselves to figure out a plan on their own on how to handle this situation.

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