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The refreshing water kisses her brown skin as Robyn dives into the ocean. Her long dark brown hair moves peacefully through the water. As Robyn comes up for air, she strokes her hair backwards to get it out of her face. She opens her eyes to look at the sparkling white beach in front of her. An average sized man waved to her. From this distance she couldn't see his face clearly. She pushes herself off with her feet and swam back to the beach.

"I see you found your swimsuit." Jack said while handing her a towel.

"Thank you." Robyn took the towel from Jack and started to dry her legs off. "I actually borrowed it. Why did you wave me over?"

Jack places his hands on his hips. "Come on, let's take a walk."

"Why?" Robyn twists her hair around to get rid of excess water. "What's going on, Jack?"

"It's about Ethan." He whispers, not wanting the people around them to hear that name fall.

Robyn nodded her head and quickly pulled a clean shirt over her head while slipping easily into a pair of jeans. As she was done tieing her shoes she followed Jack through the jungle to their second temporary home, the caves. Jin, Sun and Charlie where sitting on a big log, looking extremely nervous like they did something wrong. Kate, Sayid and Locke were talking to each other while keeping an eye on the three sitting on the log.

"Tell her Charlie. Just like you told me." Jack says while waving Kate, Sayid and Locke over.

"I was hiking through the jungle when I stumbled upon Jin here. His head cracked open and there he was, Ethan." Charlie looked up. "He wants Claire and if I don't bring her back by sundown tomorrow then he will kill all of us, one every day."

"What are we going to do?" Kate asks while biting nervously down on one of her nails.

"We go out and we kill him." Charlie says as he jumps up slightly turning to Kate.

"No." Robyn says, "We don't want the others to get upset."

"He's out there now." Charlie says. "Watching us. Laughing at us."

"I think he's right." Locke says.

Robyn couldn't help, but, let out a small giggle. The way that Charlie cares about Claire is pretty sweet, but, he has no clue how extremely dangerous Ethan is. If they don't handle this situation with care people will get hurt and that's when they will be vulnerable as a group. If they want to get rid of Ethan, for good. Robyn will give him what he wants with a little surprise of course.

"The man threatens to kill one of us, and what? We just wait for that to happen? We tracked him once before. We can track him again, right?" Charlie mentions again as he wildly paced back and forth between the group.

"Have you forgotten how that turned out? He bested you. Physically. He hung you from a tree and god knows what he did to Robyn." Jack reminded him.

"So, what's the plan?" Sayid says while looking at her.

"We're going to give him what he wants." Robyn says.

"You can't be serious!" Charlie shouts while stepping in front of Robyn. "Who are you to decide about her faith? She is bloody pregnant!"

Robyn takes a step back. "I've done this before, Charlie. I won't let anything happen to her."

"You said that before and look what happened then! Where were you when he took her! Are we really going to trust this woman who had amnesia with her life!" Charlie shouts.

"Charlie!" Kate says.

"It's okay, Kate." To be really honest all Charlie needed is for someone to blame it all on. To be angry with someone. Robyn didn't take it personal. Somewhere deep down she knew that he didn't mean it. He was just looking for a dark horse. Robyn faced worst battles than Charlie blamed her for.

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