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Robyn's chest is slightly moving up and down as her eyes travel to the man who is on his knees, tied down to a three like an animal. Small drops of blood is flowing down his nose, all the way to his busted upper lip. He couldn't move. He never could have protected himself from the beating. As she takes a step forward, she can hear his breathing getting louder and heavier. Robyn slowly went down on her knees "I'm here."

She lifts her hands up, trying to reach for his face. Robyn gently places her hands on his cheeks, pushing his head up to look into his piercing blue eyes. "What did they do to you?"

"I'm okay, sweetheart." He lets out a big sigh. Robyn pulls her hands of his cheeks and drops them beside her body. "I've had worse beatings than this."

"This isn't a joke, Sawyer." Robyn sighs, rather irritated. How can he stay calm if two of their group tortured him. He should be furious.

He licks his lips. "Sayid can't hit for shit."

Robyn nods her head. She knows that being tortured will change a human, even a big guy like Sawyer that's why he is laughing it away, but, she can see the pain in his eyes.

"If you say so," Robyn sighs deeply, nervously digging her nails into her dirty jeans. "Did you take Shannon's inhalers?"

"I never had them. Never did." He says while shaking his head. "His book washed up on shore. Her medicine is probably somewhere at the bottom of the ocean."

Robyn looked up to the sky and couldn't resist to smile. Deep down, she knew that Jack and Sayid were just looking for someone to blame and it had to be Sawyer. Robyn applaud him for keeping it together.

"Why are you smiling, cupcake?" His harsh voice echoes through her eardrum as she silently played with her fingers.

Robyn gently bites on her bottom lip. "Oh, nothing."

"Are you really going to play this game with me, giggles?" Sawyer asks. A hot flush travels from her neck to her cheeks, her palms are getting sweaty and her heart made a very small jump.

Robyn stopped playing with her hands, takes a deep breath and looked up to Sawyer. "I believe you."

His eyes travel down to her soft pink lips. He slowly moves his head closer to hers. His warm breath flew over her flushed cheeks, they were only a few inches away. As Sawyer was about to move in to crash his lips against hers, Sayid, Jack and Kate came to disturb the two. Robyn quickly backed away, pushes her body up from the sand and turns around to face the three.

"Did he tell you where he keeps her medicine?" Jack asks immediatley.

"He doesn't have her medicine, Jack!" Robyn shouts as Sayid cuts the strings off Sawyer's wrists.

Sayid pushes Sawyer againt the tree, his arm pushing into Sawyer's throat. "He's lying. All he does is lying!"

Sawyer hits Sayid in the stomach, pushing him against the ground, crawling on top of him, holding his arms down. Sayid tries really hard to lift his arms up, but, Sawyer wouldn't give in. In the heat of the moment, Sayid found a way to crawl out of Sawyer's grip and pushes his knife down in his arm. Sawyer let's out a big grunt as the knife enters his arm.

"Oh my god." Kate cries out as she closes her eyes and turns her head away. Robyn lifted her hand up to her mouth.

Jack drops to his knees. "Let me see," He lays his hands down on Sawyer's left arm. He let's out another groan as Jack touches his arm. He couldn't stop moving. "Don't."

"Let go. I know you want to!" Sawyer yells.

"Shut up, and stop moving." Jack reminds him.

"You've been waiting for this!" Sawyer wildly kicked his legs. "You get to be a hero again, because that's what you do. You fix everything up all nice. Tell him to let go, sweetheart."

Jack ribbed his sleeve off, turns his head to look at Robyn. He nodded his head, saying that he needed her help to patch him up. Robyn dropped to her knees, next to Sawyer. She gently pushes her hands on Sawyer's arm. Jack pulls the knife out.

"Son of a bitch!"


It has been a very long day. Not only for Robyn, but, also for the rest of their group. Sayid was attacked while setting up their antenna's, his device got smashes to pieces. Sawyer was tied down and got tortured for evidently stealing Shannon's inhalers. Sun, the Korean woman found a solution for Shannon's asthma.


This afternoon, Sayid decided to leave the group and explore the island by himself. For a brief moment, he stopped by her, but, he didn't find the right words to say to her. Robyn couldn't look him or Jack in the eye anymore, at least for the time being, because sooner or later they needed each other for something.

For the past few hours, she spent her time roaming around the jungle hunting down every animal that came on her path. With sweat dripping from her head, Robyn stopped at the nearest tree to take a break. She lays her hand down on the tree, her head is slightly throbbing and her stomach made a noise she never heard before.

Robyn reaches for her water bottle, screws the top off and took a big sip. She screws the top back on and places her bottle in her backpack before slipping her arms through the straps.

A few miles deeper into the jungle, she started to feel lightheaded. Robyn tries her absolute best to keep her eyes open, but, whatever it was her body is fighting against clearly won.

"Robyn?" A small voice calls for her.

Her eyes grew shut before her body hits the wet jungle ground.



"Who found her?"

"Walt did. I never should have left the caves to play golf." Jack dabs with an old rag on Robyn's forehead.

Kate sighs. "It's not your fault, Jack. Do you know why she passed out?"

"No." Jack shakes his head. "It can't be dehydration, she drinks enough and I know that she eats loads of fruits."

"Did you check her arm? Maybe her wound is infected?" Jack unwraps the bandit from Robyn's upper arm and checks it for any discolorations.

"Nothing that I should be concerned about." He grabs a clean piece of cloth, cleans it and wraps it carefully around Robyn's arm.

Her eyes flutter open, she blinks a few times before she tries to sit up. Jack holds her down, keeping her body close to the bed they made out of airplane seats. Robyn sighs, but, did what he told her to do. Kate softly smiles before she turns around and leaves her alone with Jack.

"How are you feeling?" Jack takes a seat on one of the rocks.

"Like I woke up with a hangover," Robyn lays her hand down on her head. "I feel sick."

"I think you caught a fever. It's pretty common after experiencing lots of stress and exposure to sun." Jack says. He keeps it straight, probably not really looking forward to the talk they needed to have.

"So, am I allowed to leave?" Robyn really wanted to go back to the beach. She feels trapped within these caves. Like the need to talk to him, but, all she wanted to do is avoid him.

"Not yet," Jack rises from his current spot. "I'm sorry."

"Great," She sighs before saying, "I'm not the one who needs to hear your apology, Jack."

He doesn't say anything. He just nods and walks away from her.

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