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"How do you feel about him trying to kiss you?" Dr. Horn asks, as she scribbles something down in her notepad. Robyn's chest is slowly moving up and down. Her heart is beating loud in her eardrum, making it harder for her to concentrate on the question.

"I," Her eyes traveled around Dr. Horn's office as she starts playing nervously with her fingers. "I felt guilty."

Her therapist lightly nods. "Can you tell me why you are experiencing this type of guilt? Why do you feel like you need to push him away from you?"

Robyn gently bites down on her under lip, trying really hard not to burst out crying. "I."

"I'm afraid, that if I let him in that I will let him down or that I will lose him."

"Robyn, the accident you had several years ago, was never your fault," Dr Horn puts her notepad down on the coffee table and laid her hand down on Robyn's knee. "He left you. He's weak and a coward for running away after you lost your baby. You're strong and you deserve to be happy."

"Then why do I feel like a wreck?" Her eyes were tearing up. Her eye vision is slowly blurring, cheeks are heating up and she is ready to let it all out. The hate, the guilt, all the emotions she was feeling is finally leaving her body.

"I know that what I am going to suggest will be scary for you, but, I also think it will be good for you. You need to talk with someone about your feelings, with someone new." Dr Horn pulls her hand away and offers Robyn a tissue. She kindly took the tissue and wipes her tears away.

Is she ready to let someone new in her life?


The week flew by. In the past couple of days a lot has happened. Tonight, they are going to burn the fuselage, hoping that whoever is flying over will spot them and get help. A few nights ago, there was a boar encounter, Locke went hunting for them and brought a fair amount of meat back to the group.

Sayid found a way to pinpoint the location, where the french woman was broadcasting from. He still needs to head into the jungle to place the new antenna's. As far as for Robyn goes, she tries to help out wherever she can. She likes to be busy, it will take her mind of the situation.

At this exact moment, she is sitting a few inches away from Rose, who is playing with a ring between her fingers. Robyn tries to keep her focus at the sea, but,  she can't help but look over at Rose a few times.

"His fingers swell." She spoke. Robyn can't remember if she ever exchanged any words with Rose.

"Whose fingers?"

"Bernard. My husband," Rose looks down at the ring in her hand. "His hands swell up whenever we fly. He started having me hold on to his wedding ring whenever we took a plane trip. I always wore it around my neck for safe keeping, just until we landed."

Robyn smiles af the thought of Rose and Bernard sharing those cute moments together. "That's sweet. I couldn't imagine how it feels like to lose your soulmate."

Rose looks up, a bright smile, is displayed on her lips as she sees Jack strode towards them. "Yours isn't going anywhere, anytime soon, sweetie."

Her eyebrows knit into confusion. Rose nods her head a little to the side, like she is saying to look beside her. Robyn turns her head and silently wished that she chose a different spot to sit and relax. Rose laid her hand down on her shoulders and whispers. "He's also sweet."

Robyn can't truly deny that Rose wasn't speaking the truth. He's calm, patience, caring and protective, maybe a bit too protective, but, Jack means well. Her pulse quicken as he sat down beside her, a little bit closer than normal.

He pulls his legs up to his chest and wraps his arms around his knees. "Hey."


"How are you feeling?" He calmly asks. The last bit of sun, shines down into his ocean blue eyes, making her heart skip a beat.

This feeling is so unknown to her. Being close to someone you just met, feels unrealistic, but, at the same time it feels so good. If she could, she would stare at him till the sun is down, talk to him about their lives back home, agree or disagree on which rock band is better, get to know the things he likes and walk the shoreline for hundreds of times.

Is this what people call, falling in love?

"I'm doing pretty good," Robyn smiles. "I want to go home, of course, but I also don't really mind that we are stranded on an island."

Moments after the crash, all she wanted to do was cry and be alone. Now, she wants to do is to take daily hikes through the jungle and explore as much as she can from this beautiful island before they get rescued.

"I'm glad to hear that you are doing better." Jack smiles, but, that quickly disappears as he asks the following. "Do you want to talk about last night?"

"I already know what you are going to say." Robyn sighs.

"What happened last night was never your fault, Robyn. We both know who is really to blame for his death."

"I can't believe I let my backpack out of sight." Robyn is so angry with herself that it is hard for her to see past it, despite that Jack keeps telling her that it wasn't her fault.

Out of a sudden, Jack gently took her hand in his and gives it a soft squeeze. Her heart is beating louder at the touch of his warm fingers playing with her palm. "You're so brave, Robyn. Half of our group would never do the things you did."

Robyn looks down at their hands, they were softly brushing against each other. "Thank you. That means a lot."

"Is it weird if I say that I am sort of happy that I crashed with you." Jack lightly smiles at her.

"That's so bad." Robyn laughs and scoots a few inches closer to Jack. "I'm happy too that I crashed with you."

Robyn lays her head down on his shoulder. His arm sneaks around her waist, hugging her close to him. As the sun slowly went down under, the two spend most of that night talking and watching the day turn into night.

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