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After a restless night of sleep, Robyn probably was the first one to wake up. She sits up and gently rubs her eyes. Her eyes immediately travel to the empty spot next to her. He is gone. Jack probably headed to the caves earlier than he told her. Robyn sighs intensely, trying to calm her anger. She still wasn't sure about moving to the caves. Is it really the best option for them to pack up and move to the deep jungle? What about the polar bears? What if an airplane flies over or a boat passes by? Robyn knew for sure she wanted to get off this island and she wasn't going to miss the first opportunity if it passes by.

Robyn lifts her tired body of the sand, stretched her arms and legs out before picking up her bow and arrows. She slings her backpack over her shoulders and headed into the jungle to hunt for her breakfast. Her long brown hair perfectly waved down her face as she moves her head to the left and right, looking for some delicious fruits or something else to eat.

A few minutes in, she hears something move in the bushes. Robyn pulls her bow out, kneels down on her good knee, pulls her arrow back, closes her eyes and counted to the magical number five to steady her breath. Robyn released her arrow.

Nothing. Not even a drop of an animal. The bushes move again. She never misses a shot, so why did she now?

John Locke, the boar hunter with a suitcase full of knives, appears from the spot where she shot her arrow. He holds her arrow up and says. ''Is this yours?''

''Yeah,'' John takes a few steps closer to her, holding out her arrow. ''Thank you.'' She takes her arrow back from John.

''That's impressive. Making your own bow and arrows from bamboo. Who thought you to make weapons?'' John Locke took a seat on a wet rock and pulls out an orange out of his backpack, gesturing for Robyn to take a seat.

Robyn takes her bow off and took a seat in front of John. ''My grandfather used to take me hunting every Sunday. He thought me all the things I needed to know if ever got lost. My mother thought I would turn out just like her father. Buy a couple of fields, build my own cow farm and hunt on my days off. You needed to see the look on my mothers face when we brought back a deer for dinner.''

''Your grandfather must be really proud to hear that his granddaughter is surviving on an island. I know I'd be.'' John says while opening his swiss knife and cut a few inches into his orange.

Robyn couldn't help, but, smile at the thought of her grandfather. ''He wouldn't be proud. I missed. I never miss a shot. He would scold me if he saw this.''

''I don't think he will,'' John says before taking a bite of his peeled orange. ''Why did you miss? Did you even know what you were aiming for?''

Robyn shakes her head. Of course, she didn't know what was on the other side of the bush. It could have been lots of things. ''I don't know.''

John offers her a piece of his orange. She declines his offer gently by shaking her head. ''Do you wanna know what I think? I think that you don't know what you want.''

Robyn smirks. "What do you mean?"

''You want to stay on the beach because if there is going to be a rescue party you will be the first one to climb on board,'' Locke puts another piece of his orange in his mouth, chewed it before continuing. ''Or you could move to the caves, which can be dangerous, but, you will have someone to protect you. I don't know why you would need someone to protect you. You can manage on your own, Robyn.''

''Is it that obvious?'' If John Locke knew about their little talk then the rest of them must know something is going on between them.

"I know what I would choose." John Locke rises from his spot and places a few fruits in her lap. Robyn didn't really know why he would give her his fruits. She looks up, only to earn a soft smile from him before he walks away to let her think about her options.

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