twenty six.

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PTSD. There is a good chance that she was suffering from PTSD. Jack didn't want to burn his hands on this diagnosis without a proper valuation from a psychiatrist. Which she understands. After her small talk with Jack, she felt different, like it makes sense to her or something. Robyn kind of felt relieved. She hasn't been herself since the crash and she knew it. It did scare her a little bit, the possibility of having PTSD, potentially having nightmares, or maybe something worse having to relive the crashes.

Her eyes were settled on the deep blue ocean in front of her. It took a lot of resistance to keep her seated on the beach and not jump in and go for a quick swim. It's the first thing she would miss if they get rescued.

"ROBYN!?" A young voice called out for her, disturbing her peace. Robyn blinked her eyes as she turns her head to the voice. It was Olive.

"Olive?" Robyn says, a little bit confused since she saw Olive leave with John and Boone like an hour ago to hunt for boar. "Is everything okay?"

Olive is trying to control her breathing the second Robyn noticed her. She took a few steps closer. "Something.. Something is wrong with the pregnant lady." Olive says in between taking small breaths.

"Where's she?" Robyn raised to her feet. "What's wrong with Claire?"

"I think she's in labor. I can't find Jack." Olive says.

"Weren't you suppose to be with Locke and Boone?" Robyn asked as she follows Olive.

Olive stopped as a loud groan fills the air. "I was, but, I forgot my water bottle so I headed back and that's when I found Claire."

"Where did you go!?" Claire screamed at the top of her lungs while rubbing her belly. "You weren't supposed to leave me!"

"I found Robyn!" Olive shrieks with joy, completely ignoring Claire's meltdown. Which Olive did probably on purpose. "Do you need me to find Jack?" Olive asked.

Robyn kneeled beside Claire, grabbed her hand, and gave it a hard squeeze. "Did her water break yet?"

"I don't know! I will get the doctor." Olive yelled a bit too loud. Which to Robyn sounded a bit like Olive was panicking and with that being said she was gone.

"Oh, this is just perfect!" Claire squeezed Robyn's hand hard. "I can't have this baby here. I can't."

"Hey," Robyn lays her free hand on Claire's cheek and looked her in the eye. "You can do this, Claire. It will be over before you know it."

"Do you know how to deliver a baby?" Claire asks calmly. Her contractions must have passed because her breathing also calmed down. Robyn gently removed her hand from Claire's cheek and took a seat near her while still holding her hand.

Robyn didn't want to lie to Claire, but, she also didn't want Claire to have false hope. As far as delivering babies go Robyn didn't know a thing. She did read a thing or two, but, never witnessed an actual birth. "No, I almost missed the birth of my nieces. Which was bad because I was their godmother."

Claire chuckled. "Thank you."

"For what? I didn't do anything yet." Robyn looked down at her feet as Claire squeezed her hand softly.

"Robyn, you have done more for me than his father ever has. You didn't give up on me when Ethan took me. You stood up for me when Jack thought I was lying. I don't know how I ever could thank you." Claire says. Robyn couldn't say a word so she smiled instead.

"You and I would be good friends if we met under different circumstances." Claire says.

Robyn chuckled. "We still can be friends. We've got a lot of time on our hands." There's no way we will get of this island anytime soon, Robyn thought to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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