twenty one.

405 19 18

Two hours and thirty minutes had passed and there wasn't any sign of Ethan. It's very typical to wait till the last second to show up, too typical because Robyn didn't expect Ethan to show up on the dot. They never did.

"Shouldn't he have come by now?" Sawyer whispers. He's located a few meters away from her, still close enough to keep an eye on each other.

"He will show." Robyn assured Sawyer. Her eyes travel to Claire, who is looking around her while rubbing her belly. Robyn didn't expect Claire to be this calm.

A branch snapped, as the sound of crushing leaves came closer to them.  This had to be him. She turns her head to Sawyer and whispered. "I'm going to get a bit closer." He nodded while rising his gun.

Robyn crawled out of her spot and gently moved without making too much noise a few inches closer to Claire, holding her gun close to her chest. Her heart is beating louder than before, expecting it too be heard  for everyone near her. She sneaked a bit closer to get a better vision.

"Hey, Claire." Ethan walked up to her.

Robyn popped up out of her hiding spot, aiming the gun at Ethan. "Turn around." Ethan rises his hands above his head and turned around to face Robyn.

Ethan laughed. "Are you really going to shoot me, Robyn?"

"Why did you take Claire?" Robyn asks, completely ignoring Ethan's question. In this type of situation you don't want to let your guard down. "Why?"

"Where's Charlie?" He questioned. Ethan takes a step closer to Robyn, still holding his hands up. "Robyn, you and I both know that you won't shoot me. Remember the last time you shot someone?"

Robyn choses not to respond. If she shows to him that this is one of her weak spots. He'll win. "How many of you are out there?"

"Do you really want to keep doing this, Robyn? Dance around the fact that I'm not the only one who is dangerous. What was his name again?" Ethan lowered his hands and took another step closer to her. "Wasn't his name Toby Winchester?"

Robyn lowered her gun, pointing it towards Ethan's  knee. She didn't wait and took the shot. Ethan screamed and reached for his leg, barely keeping his footing. "You can't break someone who's already broken."

"Do it!" Ethan screamed as he falls to his knees. "Don't be a coward, now. Show your friends who you really are."

"Where's the rest of your group?" Robyn takes a step closer to Ethan. "Don't make me ask you again, Ethan."

"I should have killed you when I got the chance!" Ethan growled. "You were lucky that you're pretty boyfriend came to the rescue!"

"I'm going to shoot him!" Sawyer whispers a bit too loud, but, not to loud for Robyn or Ethan to hear it.

"No, you won't." Sayid says. "She got this, Sawyer." He assured him. Sawyer nodded knowing that Sayid is right, but, couldn't help feeling helpless to see her face the demon herself.

"Why did you take Claire?" Robyn asked Ethan again. Ethan stretched his back, sweat dripping from his forehead as he looked her dead in the eye. He wasn't going to answer her questions.

In a split second, the sound of a gun ringed in her ear and a sound of a body smashed to the ground. Robyn turned around to face who fired the gun. She lowered her gun.  "What the hell?" Robyn strolled to Charlie and took the gun away from him. "Do you have any idea what you have done!"

"This is exactly why I didn't want you to come with us!" Robyn shouted. Jack, Sayid and Sawyer came out of their hiding spot. "How did you get your hands on this gun?"

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