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"Hmph. You're such a jerk!" Saint pinched the koala's nose. The stuffed animal limply staring back at him. "So annoying. You can't even have time for me."

"Oh, koala? I left it in Bangkok." Saint answered one of the fans' comments as he sat in front of the mountain of stuffed animals ready for donation. A part of him felt bad to give away gifts from his dear fans, but at the same time, he couldn't keep everything, knowing it would only sit there in Trat. It could be enjoyed by kids that would otherwise not have any means to have one, and he was glad his fans understood. Though, he un-shamefully stared at the camera as he said those words, knowing the effect it would have. For the life of him, he just couldn't quite part with a specific toy. He felt a small smirk gracing his face and he ducked a little to hide it.

His koala was his, after all.

Saint frowned as he huffed before petting the koala carefully and murmuring an apology. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." He sighed, rolling on to his back and taking the koala and raising it above his head. "Your counterpart is just annoying, that's all. He broke his promise." Saint pouted up at the toy. "You know he never does, but this time he did, and I guess I'm not used to it." He sighed again and shook the koala. "It's not like he had a choice, he sounded pretty upset about it....I just thought we could have spent time together on one of our off days after so long." Saint caressed the toy's nose, the soft and worn cotton after many washings. "Not that I don't appreciate your presence, but I'd rather have my real koala cuddling up to me."

Saint thought with the upcoming fan meeting and their queue's for their guest roles in the drama, they'd have more chances of being together. But with both their packed schedules, it was rare. Most of their drama scenes were with other people and during breaks. A few days back, Zee had escaped to sleep and Saint didn't have the heart to drag him over to him just because he was bored. He had only covered Zee up properly with the blanket, caressed his cheek before exiting the room to talk to the other actors and producers instead. He knew Zee was apologetic as he came down and murmured a litany of apologies but Saint only shook his head and smiled at him reassuringly. In this industry, sleep was a luxury and who was Saint to deny his boyfriend some?

It doesn't stop him from sulking, though it was half-hearted at most, and Zee often made it up to him by buying him his sweets or taking him out to dinner if they had time to squeeze it in between their night schedules.

Now though, his one free day and there's no koala with him – the stuffed animal stared back at him – well, the koala he wanted anyway. They didn't even get to be together for the awards show – the whole entire crew not in the scene at all the night before. Though, the congratulatory messages flooded soon after he won his two awards did make his night a little better (and the quick video call he manages to sneak out to answer, grinning happily at the grainy image of his koala trying to wrestle his phone away from the other Domundi brothers with him). Overall, it wasn't that of a big deal. Saint was just being his whiny self, and who could blame him when it gets him what he wants from his Phi in a snap.

He yawned, eyes blurring with tears and fatigue. It was almost four in the morning and he had yet to sleep. With nothing but his koala in mind, tucked the koala against his chest and laid on his side all the while grabbing his phone. He scrolled mindlessly through twitter, checking his and their hashtags when he came across a photo. A smile tugged at his face, remembering a certain incident that he posted a few days prior (Without another thought, he had saved the photo and went to his Instagram to post on his story. Giggling to himself, he had only tagged his boyfriend and said nothing else before posting it) and he pulled the stuffed koala and spoke to it again. "Look at that baby, the fans agree." Mischief, done and over, the call to sleep finally was too hard to ignore and he locked his phone before grabbing the stuffed koala back to him, closing his eyes. Face buried into its soft head, he murmured.

Fragments of Love: A ZaintSee CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now