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Saint yawned as he finished getting ready. One would think it was early in the morning but really it was just noon. He was set to go filming that night – scenes that could only be filmed nearing sunset until dark. Sometimes he wished there was no night scenes, but alas nights do exist, he chuckled drily to himself. Just then, his phone chimed; the familiar Line message tone echoing loudly. Taking his phone from the table, he rolled his eyes fondly at the text.

Zee🐨: 😫🍿🍞😭

Swiping up to unlock, waiting the delay of a fraction of a second for his face ID to work, his fingers immediately set on a reply.

Saintsup: Okay, M'Koala.

Zee🐨: ... not a koala bear!

Saintsup: I'm providing you food. I'll call you what I want.

Zee🐨: ...

Zee🐨: fair enough. 😝

Saint shook his head and was about to type in another reply when another message popped up.

Zee🐨: Susu na 👻

Saintsup: Thank you ja, don't forget to eat lunch! I have to leave now

Zee🐨: Yes, teerak 5555 You too, I know you just took a nap. Eat then just sleep again in the car.

Saint grinned just as P'Chen called him to get in the car with some plastic bags he knew were filled with food. "Oh, P', don't forget the–"

"Yes, boss. Already done." P'Chen only rolled his eyes, gesturing for him to get moving.

His fingers tapped over the keyboard fast. You know me so well. Before he pocketed his phone. As soon as he was in the van, he followed his boyfriend's instructions and dug into the bag of takeout. P'Chen only shook his head and laughed before getting in himself and closing the door, the van moving just moments later.

As Saint ate, he couldn't help the smile that was permanently etched on his face the rest of the way.


Saint yawned, this time it was due to the fact it was late at night and the filming had just finished. It was just after eleven and he was sat in the van, eyes threatening to close every few seconds, on the way home.

"Nong," Saint hummed and turned to his manager. P'Chen was on his phone, no doubt, working. Between the two of them, if Saint was busy with schedules, the person behind the scenes was much busier than he was. "Your schedule tomorrow doesn't start until afternoon."

Saint raised his brow, "And?"

P'Chen sighed, almost exasperated before turning to him, enunciating the word. "And... it doesn't start until afternoon."

Saint's brows knit together in confusion and P'Chen only looked at him as if are you dumb, before the light bulb in his head went off and suddenly he was grinning, the sleepy fog disappearing. "Yes! Thank you P'!"

P'Chen then smiled before shaking his head, turning back to his phone. "You're welcome. Brat."

Saint only giggled before wiggling excitedly in his seat. Really, he was spoiled rotten by his manager.

Almost half an hour later, the van rolled to a stop at a familiar building and Saint peeked through the window to see an equally familiar body standing, as if waiting for something. Or someone. Saint then turned around and grabbed his bag and the rest of the paper bags, before turning back to his manager.

Fragments of Love: A ZaintSee CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now