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"...come home..."

What is home?

A million thoughts ran through Saint's mind. Feelings of sadness, regret, hurt. All those emotions that he ought to forget but can never do so, stabbed him in the stomach. The many hours of loneliness, the emptiness in his heart as he tried to be strong. It all came rushing back to him. He knew it was neither their faults. It was neither their intentions. It was neither what they wanted. But it happened. The feeling of utter despair, something he didn't count on feeling when he first started.

They were just thrust into the cruel world of adults.

A call came through, a special ringtone reserved only for one. With automatic movements, his finger pressed accept, suddenly he was greeted by a smiling face and a charming voice.

"Saint sup! How did the live go?" Zee greeted, grinning brightly at him through the screen of his iPhone. "I missed it because I was working out. Though, I made sure to record it. I'll watch it later. By the way..."

Saint stared as Zee continued to talk, something he was used to. Something, someone, he cherished.

It was neither their faults. It was something Saint would never want to happen to anyone else. Never want to happen ever again. It was a wicked path, created by adults that wanted nothing more but power, treating them as pawns, never thinking of the children they placed in such world. But he parted from it, broken through it. Rose above it.

The thoughts flittered through him again. The feelings of happiness, contentment, love... Ever since he started this new journey, a mixture of uncertainty, fear, and rejection came to him and suffocated him. He could not count how many times he'd break down at night thinking of being alone again. But too suddenly, he was wrapped in comfort. In acceptance. Now he was folded in the arms of what family felt like. What it meant to have people surrounding you with unconditional support. With unconditional love...

"I'm home."

Zee startled at his spoken words, chuckling. "Yes, baby, you are? You should be, it's pretty late, and you shouldn't be out in the first–"

"I'm home." Saint repeated, looking meaningfully through the camera.

Zee silenced, staring at him for a moment and, like everything else, the other managed to understand, for he smiled softly, and though the image was blurry, Saint could see a similar pain and love in those eyes, like he was sharing the same exact emotion Saint was feeling.

"Yeah," Zee breathed out. "You're home."

This – him – was home.

Fragments of Love: A ZaintSee CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now