plans that aren't you

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Saint was not sulking. Really. He was not.

"I'm sorry I can't celebrate with you. I've been booked for some work tomorrow. I'll make it up to you. I love you."

Saint knew there was nothing to be done. During these tough times, any work was welcome and rejoiced. But he was really hoping Zee would be able to celebrate his birthday with him. Though whoever called Zee for work should have known the significance of the date, but then again it wasn't like it had anything to do with him anyway.

"Why did it have to be on my birthday?" He grumbled underneath his breath, tapping away at his phone, texting back to Zee: It's okay. Love you too.

"Huh? You said something?" P'Chen called from the kitchen. His manager had drop by suddenly, bringing lots of things Saint wasn't sure what for. But he was used to it, blessed to have many presenter brands as an ambassador, so really he doesn't question anything anymore.

"Nothing, P'." Saint sighed, twirling his phone in hand. "Nothing at all."

"I actually have something for you for tomorrow." Saint perked up, curious, and he dropped his phone on his lap looking up at P'Chen who stood in front of him now. "You need to film something for a tv guesting, though you only need to record from home. They want to congratulate you on your birthday. They air it the day after."

Saint sighed again, his birthday was tomorrow and he was looking forward to not doing anything at all. But, you can't control circumstances. So he only smiled and nodded. "Okay, P'."

P'Chen raised a brow, "Usually you're more..." He waved a hand, gesturing towards him. "Enthusiastic for your birthday."

Saint scowled settling back into the couch, absentmindedly watching whatever was randomly playing on the TV, "Don't remind me."

"Is this about N'Zee?"

Saint looked at him again, "You knew before me?" He felt offended, his boyfriend told someone else first and Zee was missing his birthday.

P'Chen chuckled. "Of course. He wanted to say he was sorry because he had work." His manager shrugged. "Also because I was there when Aof told him about said work."

Saint huffed. "Whatever. Just tell me what I have to do for tomorrow's video."

"I brought the things to set up in the living room already."

Saint nodded, slumping against the couch again, flicking through the channels. He only asked for one thing. The universe seem so set to be against him. As he did so, he didn't notice the smirk playing on P'Chen's lips. If he did, he would have known something was up.


Saint wasn't bitter. Really.

The day of his birthday he received lots of congratulatory messages. He was grateful and all but, there was only one person he wanted to hear from. But there was nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Ṣ̄ūny̒.

It was already late afternoon, P'Chen had already left, along with the other people who helped him with filming the birthday video. Saint stayed in the living room where his birthday setup was filmed, it wasn't much. There was streamers and balloons surrounding the couch, the coffee table decorated with a mix of bunny and dragon decorations, and a random party hat here and there. He waved off the help in tidying up, maybe he was masochistic but he wanted to bask in the so called party, pretending.

Saint was sat on the floor, leaning against the couch on his side with his head propped up on arm. The other was hitting the balloon time and time again. It was one of those floating balloons that was held down on the ground with a cute paperweight like object. It wasn't as tall as the others, and from where he sat, it was almost the same heigh as him. He sighed sadly again. When did he become such a lovesick puppy? As he poked the balloon, it turned around as he did so, and he frowned as he just noticed what was written on it clearly for the first time. This one was different from the other balloons. It didn't have just the usual happy birthday message on it, in fact it had something written underneath. Pulling the string, he peered at the words carefully and gasped in surprise.

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