Chapter 36 - End of the Road

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July 4, 2014
Malibu, Ca.


It's kind of hard to believe that it's been over two years since I won the lottery, Emmileigh went on tour and fell in love. With the guys, not each other. I had to correct myself. THat just sounded funny.

I turned 33 last month and Emmileigh babysat for us so Nick and I could go out and have a night to ourselves. It was fun. It was really our first real time out since Landon was born and first night without any of the kids all night long. We broke the new house and pool in some more.

Since Emmileigh had Lenny, everything has been relatively calm. We took Haley to a race a few weeks ago to see Tony and had a fun time.

That is all that we've been up to. Nick got his studio in the basement all set up and he's been working on something, but won't let me hear it. We've been spending most weekends at the beach house, just chilling out at the beach.

That's what we're doing for July 4th. Donnie, Emmileigh and their baseball team of kids were coming over and we're going to cook out and enjoy the beach and pool. It's weird knowing I have two houses, but dammit, I kind of like the idea of having two houses.

I did win the fucking lottery.

"Mama! Landon's crawling!!" Haley yelled as I ran out of the kitchen and into the living room, seeing Landon crawling across the floor.

"AH!" I screamed, startling him. "NICK!!!"

"What? What?" Nick asked, walking in from outside to see Landon crawling. "Holy shit, he's moving."

"Come here, baby," I said, kneeling down as Landon crawled towards me. I picked him up, swinging him around. "You crawled! You know what that means, we've got to start baby-proofing stuff."

Landon started making some babbling noise and I had no idea what he was saying.

"You just keep talking, say something we understand," I said as I handed him to Nick. They were two of a kind and looked exactly alike except for Landon's eyes. He had my eyes. "Talk to your son. Teach him English."

"Hell, I can barely speak English," Nick said as I snorted, hearing a car pull up outside. "I think the Wahlberg bunch is here..."



If you'd told me two years ago that I'd be living in Los Angeles, Married to the man of my dreams and ferrying around our kids in a huge ass range rover I probably would've laughed at you.

Yet here I was, living that life. And I constantly found myself thinking Wow? Is this really all mine?

I was having one of those moments as Donnie drove us from our house in LA, to Karsyn's Malibu beach house to celebrate Independence day. The car was filled with the kids cd playing in the stereo, Donnie singing along and the twins laughing at him. I could hear Elijah's music coming from his iPod, and I only prayed that Lenny was still asleep through all this noise.

The past few months had been amazing. Lenny was an amazing baby, sleeps all night, feeds on time and is always happy. I joked with Karsyn that both our little boys had been high on happy pills during the pregnancy, because I really couldn't say anything bad. We still couldn't work out who he was like. He had the light blonde hair still, and his eyes were a greeny blue, a perfect mix between mine and Donnie's. His smile was absolutely gorgeous, and he had the cutest dimples.. which me and Donnie both didn't have.

If it wasn't for the fact that he'd not left my side from birth I'd probably question if he was switched at the hospital.


I smiled and turned in my seat to see Savannah holding up Lenny's pacifier. Either it had fallen out of his mouth as he slept, or the little monkey had pulled it out her baby brothers mouth. "Ta.." I held my hand out and she gave it to me before laughing. She's probably yanked it out his mouth.

The twins were into everything, causing us trouble every day. They may only be a few months into being a year old, but already they were giving us grey hairs. Savannah just yesterday had learn how to climb out her crib, as we'd found out one day when she came into our room and told us to "up".
And Logan had managed to get into the backyard so many times we'd had to put child locks on all the doors.

Elijah was the only one out of the three older kids that kept me sane. He'd asked to go back to regular school, and up until they broke for the summer he was doing great. He was above average for his age, and that made me proud.

Although what scared me was how much he'd grown. Kid was nearly taller than me.

"We're here!" Donnie announced, making the twins cheer from the back.

I unbuckled my seatbelt, but jumped when Donnie gripped my thigh.

"I'll get the twins, you focus on Lenny. I love you." He kissed me softly before climbing out the car.

He never ceased to amaze me, either.

Ever since Lenny's birth me and Donnie had settled down. No fights or disagreements. We pretty much were still in our honeymoon stage, but there were no more babies, no matter how much Donnie said we'd be having one more. I'd gone and done a Karsyn and got an IUD. Maybe in 5 years I'd have another baby, but not now.

I had three I wanted to raise not being pregnant.

Plus, Donnie had started working in LA. He'd been writing these scripts for a while, and had shown them to one of the Blue Bloods bosses when he was on the show, and that guy had passed them to someone else who wanted to make them into a TV show. So Donnie was not only the writer, but he was helping direct, produce and was even starring in it.

And it pretty much meant he called the shots. That meant filming three times a week, and no later than 5pm.

So it was perfect for the two of us. I could help out at the store, and Donnie could work.

We had a perfect, happy medium.

I pulled Lenny out his chair and smiled as he snuggled against me, thankfully, still fast asleep. I grabbed his bag from the footwell before following Elijah inside Karsyn's


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