Chapter 24 - London Baby

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London, UK / Spain
September 15


I felt like I was being sneaked out from a one night stand, but Nick had me and Haley rushed out of the hotel so fast this morning before Donnie could spot us, that I was afraid I was leaving something behind.

Haley kept asking the entire time if we were going home, and I told no, but when she heard the flight attendant say "London" she just glared at me. "Are we..."

"Emmileigh? Yes."

"Harry Potter, but Emmileigh?" she asked as I snorted. "Mama, you know where Emmi is?" I nodded. "But Donnie..."

"And you can't tell him," I said as she glared back at me. "You can't tell anybody, okay? Not even Elijah. Just Nick and I know, okay?"

"Has to be a secret?" Haley asked as I nodded. "Promise?"

"I promise," she smiled, sitting back in her seat.

The plane landed finally because I had to pee and didn't want to try and fit into one of the bathrooms on the plane. I took Haley's hand, holding it along with one of our extra bags and started walking out of the terminal, looking around until I spotted Emmileigh over in the corner.

"EMMI!!" Haley yelled, letting go of my hand and running up to her. Emmileigh picked her up, hugging her tightly as I made my way over and hugged her.

"You've lost weight," I said as she sighed. "Do you have money for food?"

"I'm fine and you," she said, backing away, trying not to laugh.

"I'm fat. I know it," I sighed. "She's decided to show the world she's really in there." Emmileigh rubbed her hand over my stomach, feeling Gracie kick. "Scary, you pregnant."

"Please, shut up," I hissed. "If you hadn't of ran way, you'd be pregnant by now again and you know it. Hell when you finally go home, you'll get pregnant because that boy is a walking time sex bomb."

"Can we not talk about that stuff right now?" Emmileigh asked, taking Haley's hand as we went to get our luggage. "How's Nick?"

"Daddy is stressed," Haley said as Emmileigh looked at her. "He's stressed because Mama is stressed and I'm stressed because idiot people who can't speak English don't think I'm the first princess."

"How dare they," Emmileigh said. "We'll get you a tiara and prove to them you are. We're in London. Royalty lives here. We can get you a tiara." Haley looked back at me all wide-eyed and I smiled and nodded.

"We can get you a real tiara," I said as he started to jump up and down. Emmileigh laughed, looking back at me and I don't know why, but I felt like it might have been the first time she laughed since leaving the tour.



I woke up early with the kids, but left them with mom before leaving the hotel room and marching down to Nick's. I didn't care that it was only 9am. I wanted to know.

"Dude, he's not in."

I turned around and looked at AJ and Sarah as they left there room. "Where is he?"

"Airport, dropping off Karsyn and Haley.."

"Sonofabitch.." I muttered before looking at him. " you.."

"NO. Donnie no. No one knows where Emmi is. Hell, you know they would tell you if they did."

I glared at him. "Would they?"

"Yes." AJ nodded. "Now go back to your kids bro. Em will be back."

I sighed and shook my head before watching him leave. I wish I could believe that she would. I went to walk away when I saw Nick turn the corner.


"Donnie.." Nick replied, walking over to his door. He opened it, and held it open for me.

"Karsyn and Haley leave ok?"

"Yea. I miss them."

I sat on the chair. "I know the feeling."

Nick looked at me. "Don't. You're wasting your time."

"I need to know."

"I know. But I don't..."

"You are a shitty liar, you know that?"

Nick went to reply when there was a knock on the door. He sighed and walked over, opening it to see Elijah there.

"Dad.. Savannah is sick."

I sighed and looked up at Nick. "This chat isn't over.." I stood up and made my way to the door.

"It is, cos I don't know shit, Donnie."

I walked out the room and headed back to my own. Nick knew. It was obvious.



dude donnie is already busting my balls about knowing where emmi is maybe you two going was a bad idea

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