Chapter 33 - Happy 1st Birthday

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February 14, 2014
Malibu, Ca.


I can't believe it's been a year since Nick and I almost got married at Kevin's ranch and Emmileigh went into labor. It just seems like time is moving so fast with everything. Nick and I will celebrate our first anniversary in two days.

Since Christmas, everything has been amazing. Our sex life was totally back on track and if you want me to be honest, I think it's better than ever. Landon is still the perfect baby. He smiles and laughs all the time and the older he gets, the more I can see that he really does look like Nick. His little blonde hair is getting longer and he's crawling now. He's getting chunky and is crazy about Haley.

She helps me do everything with him. She helps me feed him, bathe him, even get him to sleep. She's pretty much been the perfect big sister.

After New Year's, Emmileigh and I visited the office / shop space that Nick had gotten me for Christmas and we decided what we wanted to do. It as the perfect location. It was something I never really imagine myself doing, but since Emmi had the twins and I had Landon, we had become crazy about baby clothes.

So, we decided to open a baby boutique. The name? New Baby on the Block.

We spent January setting up the shop. I was even designing some things that we were having made. I had designed little things that said 'Cover Girl' or 'I Want It Mommy's Way' on t-shirts and onsies and just had regular things in the shop, too. It's easy to get permission from the bands when you're married to members. They just get a small percentage of the earnings, but I don't care.

Haley's seventh birthday came and Nick's 34th birthday (scary), and we just had small little parties. Haley, I think, has left her Justin Bieber phase and has fallen in love with some new boy band.

But today, it's all about Savannah and Logan turning one. They are walking around, stumbling over everything, getting into everything and poor Emmileigh is into her third trimester almost and is having to chase after them.

"Mama, when is Landon having his first birthday?" Haley asked as I got in the passenger seat of the new SUV we had gotten the week before. I watched as Nick strapped Landon in the carseat in the back next to Haley.

"Hm, not until October, Haley," I laughed. "He still has a way to go."

"Are we going to have a big party for him?" she asked.

"Maybe, if we can ever get this damn car seat," Nick muttered as Landon laughed at him. "Sure, you laugh now." I watched him as he finally got the car seat fastened and shut the door, before getting into the driver's seat. "Okay, we ready?

"Ready!" Haley exclaimed as Nick looked at me and sighed.



"Logan, no.. don't touch that." I walked, no.. waddled, over to Logan and pulled his hands away from the cell phone which was sat on the coffee table. "That's daddys."

"DADA!" Logan said, with a big smile on his face before toddling off somewhere else, no doubt to find himself in more trouble.

It was hard to believe that today was the twins first birthday. One year ago today I was getting ready for Karsyn's wedding, and my mum sold me out to the UK newspapers.

Now my babies were one, me and Donnie were married and we were expecting our third child very soon.

"Savannah got into your purse, babe."

I looked up to see Savannah's face covered in lip gloss. "Uh, and Logan tried to get your cell."

Donnie grinned as he walked further into the room carrying Savannah as I pulled out the babywipes and cleaned her up.

"Was having a small party for them the right idea? Maybe we should have a party where everyone childproof's this place up."

I laughed at Donnie before throwing the dirty wipes away. "Maybe we should just move."


I nodded and sorted Savannah's hair out. "Yea, I mean we've got no spare rooms anymore, now we've got another nursery.. Xavier can't even stay cos we had to use his room."

"We could move." Donnie said, making me look at him. He liked the idea. "Tomorrow.. we'll go house hunting."

"Really?" I couldn't help but feel excited. I'd never gone house hunting before.

"Really. We can have a look online tonight, see if theres any we like and we can view some. Now go sit.. let me sort everything out here."

I smiled and kissed Donnie's cheek before walking over to the couch.


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