👶👑Chapter Eight👑👶

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Warning!: Contains mention of death of fetus. Miscarriage. Do not read this chapter of you think it would scare you wait for the next chapter! Thanks!

*~Rayllum Birthdays~*

Callum smiled at the nursey for his future child. It was almost done. Just a few more finishing touches. Then he looked at the clock. It was almost time for the family dinner. And he ran to a nearby bathroom and wash off all the paint.

When he walked downstairs he was shocked to see his Aunt Amaya and her girlfriend Janai.

"Callum!" Gren said, clearly speaking for Amaya.

Then his aunt hugged him.

"I missed you too Aunt Amaya," Callum said.

"So... let's eat I'm sure Janai wants to battle after dinner," Rayla said, mainly because she was starving. Callum nodded and sat down next to Rayla.

Callum was also next to his brother and Ellis was on the other side of him. Amaya next to Ellis and Janai next to Amaya. Janai next to Tiadrin who was next to Lain. And Lain next to Runaan and Runaan next to Ethari.

After dinner, Amaya battled with Janai, and then it was a competition. Everyone battled except for Ellis, Ezran, and Rayla.

Rayla pouted as she watched the rest of her family battle with each other. She rubbed her stomach and had Ellis help her get to bed.

"Ellis? Can you help me up?" Rayla asked the girl next to her.

"Yes, of course, Lady Rayla."

"Ellis, don't call me Lady Rayla. We are goin' to be family after all."

"Oh, okay, thanks Rayla."

"Rayla?" Callum called.

"Yes?" Rayla asked.

"Ellis, can you give us a minute?" Callum asked the younger girl.

"Yeah, sure thing Callum," Ellis said before going to sit down next to Ezran.

"Rayla come with me."

"Okay," The elf girl said as she followed her husband to a meadow.

When they arrived at the meadow Rayla saw a blanket set down on the grass.

"Callum? What's this for?" Rayla asked trying to hide the blush that was spread across her face.

"It's to show you how much I love you. Even if tomorrow is my birthday, I still want to show you how much I love you. Even if you aren't the same woman I fell in love with. Your still the one I love."

And before she knew it, Rayla had tears running down her face.

"Oh Callum," Rayla said before giving her husband a kiss.

And the two laid down and fell asleep under the stars.

When Rayla woke up she felt scales. And she turned her head to see Zym's leg. And she looked up at the dragon king.

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