👶👑Chapter Three👑👶

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*~She's Cursed! Right?~*

Callum ran up to his bedroom. And Rayla was still there sleeping.

"Ethari, what if Claudia cursed Rayla?" Callum asked.

"Then we have to let the witch go," Ethari said.

"Be reasonable!" Runaan reasoned, "Rayla's sick. And we have to help her let's focus on our priorities here people!"

"I am, Runaan! She's my wife!" Callum snapped.

"Oh, no he didn't," Ezran whispered to himself.

"Callum! We know this is important! That's why I'm going to get her parents!" Runaan yelled back.

Ezran stood there and quickly ran to the balcony and called for Pyrrah and Bait followed.

"Well? Then go! Go and get her parents! Or better yet I'll go get them!" Callum yelled before running off his balcony.

"And we let our Rayla marry him?" Ethari asked Runaan.

"I know, I shoulda killed him when I had the chance," Runaan said.

"Yep. And it's too late now, Rayla loves him."


Callum arrived in Xadia shortly after leaving Katolis. And when shortly was said I mean an hour.

Callum then made it to the Storm Spire.

"Lain! Tiadrin!" Callum called and the two elves came running.

"Callum! Is something wrong?" Lain asked.

"Yes," the brown-haired human replied.

"What happened to Rayla?! Or was it Runaan or Ethari?" the female elf asked.

"It's Rayla. She's sick and getting worse. We believe that she's been cursed."

"What?!" the elves exclaimed.

"Yes. Now, grab on to me and we will be at the castle in no time," Callum said.

"Okay," the dragon guards said before grabbing onto Callum and letting him take them to their daughter.

After a few hours Callum, Lain, and Tiadrin arrived at the castle.

"Runaan! Any change?" Callum asked.

"No," Runaan replied before sitting down.

"Callum, she hasn't changed since you left. I'm sure that we're lucky she's still breathing," Ethari said before letting out a sigh and looking at the floor.

"Can't we cast a healing spell?" Callum asked desperately.

"Yes, but..." Lain started before his voice trailed off.

"Callum. We can't heal Rayla. Only a doctor can help her," Tiadrin said.

"No. Claudia can't win!" Callum cried.

"Callum, I'm so sorry," Tiadrin said before hugging Callum. And soon they were all hugging Callum not knowing of the life inside Rayla. But they couldn't know until Rayla woke up. And it had almost been three hours.

"I love her to much. I can't lose another person I love," Callum sobbed.

"I know Callum. And I'm right here," a voice said.

"Rayla!" Callum yelled and everyone turned to see Rayla sitting up in bed.

"I'm awake. And I'm not going anywhere," Rayla said, "Ethari, Runaan, Ezran, Mom, and Dad and you please leave for a bit. I'll talk to you soon."

"Of course sweetie."

"Sure Rayla. Bye."

"Bye Moon Opah."

And everyone left.

"Callum, I have something to tell you," Rayla started, "Don't freak out but..."

"It's okay Rayla. I love you. And I won't freak out," Callum said.

"Okay. I trust you," Rayla said before removing the blanket to reveal a small bump.

"Rayla. Are you- are we going to be parents?" Callum asked quietly.

"Yes. And somehow Claudia knew this. She said something about a glamour that hid it until I knew what was happening," Rayla said.

"Oh Rayla," Callum said before picking her up and spinning her around, "I love you and our unborn baby!"


Aww! Their together and having a little baby! So cute. But the real question is how will they tell Ruthari and Lain and Tiadrin?

Find out in the next chapter!!

And two chapters just 13 hours apart? Yes! Next update tomorrow!

And due to my state being green we are doing a social distance marching band season. Practice this week is from 5-9 while being 6 feet apart.

(July 27th of 2020)

Word count: 650

Bye shippers!

Bye rose petals!

Bye Rayllum fans!

Mycolorguardian45 OUT!!

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