👶👑Chapter Twelve👑👶

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*~Seven Months Pregnant~*

Runaan was racing down the halls. Rayla was screaming.

And then he looked at his sleeping niece.

"She just had a nightmare I suppose," Runaan said quietly.

"Runaan? What are you doing up?" Callum asked.

"Rayla was screaming so I came to see what was wrong with her. I care about her too you know," Runaan told Callum before going back to bed.

Callum sighed. Even since Claudia and Viren escaped she has been on edge, and apparently they were in her dreams too.

"Runaan? Callum? What are you doin' up?" Rayla asked.

"Oh, you were screaming. I thought that the baby was coming," Runaan told her.

"The baby? Now? Luna Sarai is not coming yet," Rayla told him.

"Rayla? You named the baby?" Callum asked, "Without me?"

Cain began to pout as Runaan just started laughing.

"Callum, don't worry sweetheart, it's just something I've been thinking about. I mean, I'm in this bed almost 24/7. I only leave to eat and go my sonograms," Rayla told her husband.

"That's true. And Luna Sarai is a great name for our daughter. She'll be the happiest little elf-human this world has ever seen," Callum said before shutting the door on Runaan and climbing back into bed with his wife. 

The next morning, Callum walked down to breakfast with Rayla on his arm. They were happy. Today they're going to find clothes and blankets for their little girl.

"Good mornin'," Rayla said to her family.

"Morning' Rayla. You officially have one month until the baby is born. Now I have a game," Tiadrin announced.

"Mum, a game? What game?" Rayla asked.

"We are a going to bet on what the baby will look like. You know, horns no horns, five fingers or four. Stuff like that," Tiadrin said.

"I think that's a grand idea," Ethari said.

"Wonderful, now King Ezran. As our King and my grandbaby's step-uncle, you go first. Write you prediction on this magical piece of paper."

"Okay," Ezran said.

And after a while everyone had written done their thoughts.

A/N: but I always will have the right answer! For I am the author... But I don't know yet. I'm thinking thought!😜

"Soren! You get to do this too. After fighting a battle with elves and dragons, stopping your father and sister, and not dying, it earns you a place in our family," Callum said standing up.

"That's right. Soren, you have given your life for us. We all have at one point in our lives. My parents when they needed to protect the egg. Ethari when coming to save us. Runaan when thinking wat was right. Me for pushing your father off the Storm Spire. Callum jumping off a cliff to save me. We do it for love. And you have shown that to us. Welcome to the family Soren!" Rayla said before the room erupted with applause and laughter.

A/N: (Again sorry) so sweet! Soren can be royalty!😁🥂 All hail step-step-prince Soren! 👏😁

Soren walked over and wrote down what he thought his new charge was going to look like.

Later that day, Rayla and Callum went into town to find clothes for their baby.

"Dark purple, she'd look so cute in dark purple. Or maybe dark blue," Ethari said.

"No, green. Assassin's green," Rayla said.

"No, crimson, it works with blue and red," Callum said.

"Ethari, Rayla, and Callum, just get all of them," Runaan said not caring about shopping.

"We could do that," Ethari said.

"Let's do it. Now we just have to everything else on Tiadrin's list," Callum said.

Meanwhile In Xadia

"Dad, the new baby is meant to rule over Xadia and Katolis. Along with the other kingdoms. Wars would be over. The baby is a peace maker. We are done for. Unless..." Claudia said.

"Unless?" Lord Viren asked.

"Unless. I steal that baby and turn her evil," Aaravos said.

"Aaravos! You're alive?" Lord Viren cried.

"Your daughter saved me. She sent butterflies in place of me," Aaravos said as he began to tell his tale...


Hey guys! Chapter 12?! Awesome! The next chapter will be about Aaravos tale. No baby... Yet. So get ready for that. And thank you for reading this book. I love that you enjoy reading it.

I send my love.

(Love is below or next)


So see you in the next chapter! The chapter about Aaravos and why he is still alive.

And comment Aaravos Lives On! here👉 if you knew that this was going to happen!



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