› epilogue (1)

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you were you,

and i was i;

we were two,

before our time.

i was yours,

before i knew;

and you have always

been mine too.❞



“Thank you for the medicine, Tsugikuni-san. It’s been helping me with my morning sickness,” one of your regulars said, placing a hand over yours, her smile grateful. “I’ll be definitely recommending your apothecary to my friends in the neighboring villages.”

“It’s my job, Sugiyama-san. But, thank you for that. It means a lot,” The corners of your lips curve upwards, placing a hand over hers. “So, what are you hoping for?”

The woman giggles, placing a hand over her growing belly. “Well, in the end, it doesn’t matter to Nobuo and I...but I know he has hopes for a girl. Honestly, so do I…and I do think I’m having a girl.”

You hum, sneaking a glance at her belly. She’s a little over five months pregnant, which gives you the perfect opportunity to spot the sex of the child.

And, well—you’re not surprised. Mothers usually have a strong instinct when it comes to these sorts of things.

You look down at the sleeping baby, wrapped securely on your chest, eyes softening.

I may be an exception, though.

“Uh-huh...well, I hope so too,”

“Thank you, Tsugikuni-san! I better leave now. Have a good day!”

“You, too.”

You smile, watching the woman leave the apothecary, before sorting through the herbs once again.

“(Name), why don’t you tell her?” Aoi prodded, raising a brow.

“Yeah, no,” you scoffed, proceeding to carefully grind the herbs with your mortar and pestle, not wanting to wake Kamiya—your daughter—up.

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want everybody to know that I can.” You shrug, looking over at her.

She pouts. “But we know, but you won’t tell me what I have,”

You roll your eyes. “Because you said you wanted it to be a surprise,”

“I changed my mind!”

“No, you haven’t. Your curiosity is just getting to you.”

Aoi huffed, crossing her arms. “Okay, maybe.”

You grin, pouring the medicinal tea blend in a small pouch.

“Anyway, (Name), you should let me take over from here. You need to get to your dojo,” Aoi said, plucking the pouch from your hands.

“Yeah, I know. They have a test before the festival,” You sighed, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear.

She snorted. “Harsh.”

“Not really, unless they wanted it during the festival,”

“I’ll repeat it: ruthless.”

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