› thirty-three: lotuses.

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let your plans

be dark and as impenetrable as night,

and when you move,

fall like a thunderbolt.

— sun tzu, the art of war.


Your eyes narrow.

Just how much does he know?

“You better shut your mouth and quit acting like you know her,” Inosuke seethed, shoulders shaking. “And you know what? It truly is a miracle meeting you here.”

He turned his head, jaw clenched as his emerald eyes, full of dangerous flames of fury, narrowing at the Upper Moon Two. “The demon who killed my mother and friends is right before my eyes!”

He got up, pointing his swords at the silver-haired demon. “Allow me to thank you for letting me remember. But I won’t just cut off your head now! I’ll show you what true hell is like!”

The Upper Moon chuckled, unfurling his golden fan. “You say you were raised by boars, but you sure know your ways with words. You seemed to learn some misconceptions, however.”

You held in the urge to roll your eyes. This bastard acts like he knows Inosuke just because he knew his mother. How infuriating.

“...in reality, humans who live virtuously and decently suffer irrational tragedies, while evil people do what they want. Because they live insane, interesting lives, and drink sweet nectar. Since these people are not getting divine punishment, at the very least, they’ll go to hell when they die. That’s what mentally weak people have to think, or they wouldn’t be able to live with themselves, right?”

The Upper Moon Two’s smile never wavered as he balanced Inosuke’s mask on one of his fans, as if he were taunting him.

“They keep it deep in their minds...humans are so pitiful.”

“If there ain’t no hell, then I’ll goddamn make one! Just shut the fuck up already, and quit talking about my mom as if she was unhappy, you asshole!” Inosuke barked, charging forward with his swords readied.

With a swipe of the Upper Moon’s fan, icy mist blew forward—towards Inosuke, as well as you and Kanao.

Inosuke grinded his teeth, using a technique that consisted of spinning his swords rapidly, the ice-filled mist blowing away.

The Upper Moon, occupied with Inosuke, failed to notice Kanao coming from behind him, about to use a breath technique—however, with a glance behind him, he aimed his fan to his waist to literally cut her in half.

Thankfully, she blocked with her sword, and ended up falling in the shallow water.

“Breath of the Moon, Third Style: Reflection of the Moon.”

Charging forward, you swing your sword, making it seem like you were attacking from behind. The Upper Moon seemed to take the bait—sending a flurry of icicles your way as you ducked, sword slashing his stomach before jumping back before he could send an attack your way.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance, watching his guts spill out of the already regenerating wound, iridescent eyes blank as he stared your way.

With a swipe of his fan, large lotus flowers bloomed, their vines heading towards you—and before you could slash any of the vines, they wrapped themselves around your ankles, squeezing tightly before lifting you up into the air.

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