› twenty-two: cherry blossom.

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take the day

and leave us

the moon

carpe noctum

and we will


the night.

— atticus.


“I wonder if Makio-san is okay.”

Your breath hitches, immediately looking back at Inosuke, who stood beside you. Back pressed against the wall, the two of you listen in to the conversation between the two older shinzo, biting the insides of your cheeks.

“She locked herself in her room and hasn’t come out…”

Alright. I need some more information.

You casually walk into the hall where the two older girls are, bowing politely whilst greeting them. “Hello. I apologize, but when I was passing by, I couldn’t help but hear Makio-san’s name. Is there something wrong with her?”

They glanced at each other for a moment before looking back at you. “Well, when she came here a couple weeks ago, she was fine. She was tough, the mistress liked her, even. But she hasn’t come out of her room for awhile. She said she was sick, but hasn’t been going to the doctor…everyone is worried. Do you know her, Tsukiko-chan?”

You nodded, rubbing your arm. “Yes…we were from the same village, actually. It’s saddening to see that when I finally found her, she’s…”

You turn your head away, hand covering your face in an attempt to make it seem like you were going to cry. You even sniffed.


“Aw, what a shame. I’m sorry, but don’t worry! Hopefully, you’ll see her soon.” The girls comforted, eyes full of pity as one of them placed a hand on your shoulder.

“We’d stay here with you, but the mistress told us to deliver Makio-san’s food and leave as we have a couple errands to do. Sorry, Tsukiko-chan.”

“It’s okay. Th-thank you.” You smiled weakly, sniffing once again. They smiled back, the two girls leaving you in front of Makio’s room.

Gods above, their pity makes me sick.

You regain your composure, eyes narrowing towards the woman’s room. Your stomach twisted at the feeling the room gave off, lips pursing.

Something is definitely going on in there. Makio wouldn’t fake sick unless there’s something serious.

Your eyes meet Inosuke’s as he peeks from behind the wall. You nod at him, signaling for him to come over so the two of you could investigate the room. You knew he felt it too; the overall atmosphere in the hall was off.

He ran over, sliding open the door harshly. You didn’t expect him to just…open it like that—but, hey, it’s is Inosuke. What should you expect?

Your eyes widened at the sight of Makio’s room, not at all expecting it to be completely trashed. Large, deep scratches littering the walls, broken glass and pots all over the floor, ripped tatami floors and bedding.

The demon was here.

No. Is.

You could feel a breeze, despite the windows not being opened; you watched as a loose strand of your hair floated upwards, your eyes setting on the ceiling.

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