› twenty-four: rage.

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forget stardust—you are iron. your blood is nothing but ferrous liquid. when you bleed, you reek of rust. it is iron that fills your heart and sits in your veins. and what is iron, really, unless it's forged?

you are iron.

and you are strong.

— n.t. (via havkeye)


please read the a/n at the bottom of the chapter! thank you <33


“You’re different, man,” the male demon drawled, eyes narrowing at Uzui as he scratches his cheek. “Different from all the Pillars I’ve killed up to now…”

You drowned out the demon’s talking, instead, focusing on him and Warabihime. You knew what could kill them; by severing both of their heads. Moreover, you knew what their Blood Demon Arts were—Warabihime could control the sashes that came out of her body and even use them as ‘eyes.’ The male demon had sickles in which he could use to create blood-slashes and manipulate said slashes to a certain extent.

Now, another thing bothered you: Uzui’s poisoning. Of course, the demon siblings were responsible, but how did they inject the poison? Unless…

You narrow your eyes at the sickles the male demon held.

More precisely, the—

“…my blood sickles are full of deadly poison, but you haven’t dropped dead yet.” The demon finishes off to whatever he was saying, causing you to look up.


“I’m from a family of shinobi and I’ve developed some resistance, so poison won’t work.” Uzui retorted, glaring at the two demons.

“The shinobi went extinct in the Edo period! Don’t lie to us!” Warabihime sneered, pointing a sharp, colored nail at Uzui.

They’re right. However, they don’t know Uzui and his family. Some families wanted to honor their shinobi blood and raise their children as such.

They’re ruthless with their teachings. Mission before comrade. That’s why the ninjas died so quickly.

You watch Uzui closely. Purplish-black bags slowly formed underneath his eyes, veins bulging on his temples and neck, pulse quickening, sweating trickling down his forehead.

“Oh? Would you look at that! The poison is working, slow and steady! The whole ‘not working things,’ was a bluff, wasn’t it? Lame.” The male demon snickered, tilting his head to the side out of amusement.

You can see it. The way its slowly circulating throughout his body; the Full Focus Breathing just barely slowly it down.

No, no, no.

“You will not go down so easily.” You muttered under your breath, jaw clenched as you grabbed one of your temporary antidotes from your thigh pouch.

I won’t let you.

Placing the needle into his upper arm, you pushed the plunger down, injecting the temporary antidote into the muscle.

There. The blood vessels should absorb it more quickly.

“What do you think you’re doing, you brat?” Warabihime hissed, baring her sharp canines at you.

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