› five: in the clouds.

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aut viam inveniam aut facium.

- I will either find a way, or I make one / latin phrase.


The doctor thumbed over your stitched wound, hazel eyes pensive as she looked over the almost healed injury before a look of satisfaction washed upon her face.

"You're healing well, (Name). You're good to go. Inosuke as well."

You smiled in appreciation at the doctor, bowing your head politely. "Thank you, Doctor."

She grinned, patting your head in an affectionate manner as she got up. "It's my job! No need to thank me. However, it is appreciated."

The doctor, Kimoto Botan, bowed politely to Akio's parents before leaving the house with a good bye.

"I guess Inosuke and I should get going now, since we're all healed and well." You spoke up, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you got up from your sitting position.

"I suppose you're right. After all, you need to go on your missions." Akio's mother, whose name you learned to be Haruna, agreed.

"Thank you for understanding. I'll go get ready now." You said, bowing your head before going to your room. You slid open the door before closing it, plopping yourself onto your futon.

You enjoyed the small break. It was really refreshing, not having to train or fight or do much. Though yes, you were in pain most of the time, it still counted as a break...right?

But, of course, you couldn't have such fantasies. While small breaks were appreciated, you needed to work hard. You needed to get rid of those demons that infested the world.

Demons that destroyed everything.



Loved ones.


Human beings.

You frowned at the thought, slipping off the jinbei that the house provided you before putting on the Demon Slayer Corps uniform that was issued to you just a couple weeks ago.

Man, time really passed by quickly, huh?

You slipped on your haori before strapping the sheath of your sword to your hip. You looked over at your quiver that was laying on the ground beside your futon.

You approached it, fingers gliding over the new strap. You didn't know how to fix the straps, and nobody in the village sold such things-however, Akio's father, Hisao, knew how to fix it.

The material he used was called leather. He said that it was a very strong material made from animal hide imported from overseas.

You liked it.

You placed your newly made arrows inside of the quiver before strapping it across your back, the tips feathery white fletching of the hamaya, or arrow, touching your shoulder.

You proceeded to do the same thing with your bow, matching sure it was properly positioned before taking your thigh bag and placing them around your, well, thighs.

You placed the rest of your supplies in your large pouch, placing it on the other side of your hip before picking up your jika-tabi and exiting your room.

Your eyes lit up at the sight of Inosuke sitting down on the porch, who was looking at the garden in an absent-minded manner. You sat beside him, gently placing your shoes beside you.

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