› fifteen: safe place.

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all these things,

they fade,

but our love,

so beautifully stays.

—p o e t r y p e r r y


Indeed, it is a stunning night.

The sky was engulfed by the tranquil darkness, speckled with still, shimmering stars that illuminated the sky—however, the full moon, high in the sky in glowing silver with all her might, outshone her cousins and siblings.

Along the forest were trees decorated with freshly blooming cherry blossoms—almost as if they were pink and white clouds gathering around the tree branches.

The woman has her eyes closed, facial expressions still. Sitting in a meditating position, she wasn’t moving—you could easily mistake her for some sort of statue, if it weren’t for the flesh and divine, godly blood that flowed through her veins.

Her porcelain skin glows under the full moon, long, obsidian hair tied in a pony tail and styled with wispy bangs framing her round face, bangs shadowing her eyes—unless you looked closer and brushed away her bangs, you could see the scar that ran down from the top of her right eye brow down to her cheek bone.

“My love,” her voice is dulcet; soft, gentle, yet strong at the same time. Only to her lover would she speak like that—to others, her voice is strong, controlled; with a sharp edge to it, words that can cut, stab, kill—as easily as a blade. “What are you doing here? Are you not training with your men?”

Her lover laughed, the sound ringing in her ears in a pleasant way. It was melodious. Satisfying.

“I could smell your distress from the training grounds.” He joked with a cheeky grin, bright, golden eyes shining like the sun’s. “I dismissed them. Indeed, I have stumbled upon a stunning view.”

Her eyes opened, silver eyes that resembled the full moon that rested in the sky, narrowing at the man in front of her. He was tall, with a muscular, mesomorph build, skin sun-kissed. His hair, which resembled the color of snow, was long and styled into a braid—bangs parted in the middle, framing his square face, speckled with scars—the most prominent ones being a slash over his left eye, and another one from the tip of his left eyebrow across his nose then to his cheekbone.

“Disgusting,” she sneered, her eyes then softened as her lover approached and sat behind her, draping his arms around her shoulders and rested his head on her head. Her safe place. “Compliment me more, Kemono.”

Kemono laughed, and the woman felt a ghost of a smile grace her lips, feeling the way his chest rumbled as he laughed. “You are so endearing, Tsukina.”

She hummed in response, leaning against his chest and closed her eyes.

Kemono smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist and intertwined his hands with hers. “Would you like to talk about what is stressing you?”

Tsukina stayed silent, eyes closed. She thought carefully for a moment, a sigh escaping her lips. “Something…I know that an even greater danger approaches us in this war. I can feel it so strongly that it makes my head pound. I know that a vision will come soon to reveal it to me, but…I just know that it is different.”

Kemono hummed, mulling over his wife’s words. After a moment, his deep, silvery voice broke through the comfortable silence.

“I see that you are especially concerned about this. I do not want to underestimate this danger, either,” He started, squeezing Tsukina’s cool hands. “However…I know, with you by my side, we can defeat this danger.”

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