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"Babe do you have to go now?" Nikki says pouting.

Not this again. Why does EVERY female do that? I said I have to go, don't ask me a question I've already answered before you asked it. Where are my socks?! I think getting a little annoyed.

Nikki slowly places random kisses my neck while rubbing my shoulders. "You could stay babe. I'll cook you breakfast and then we can take a bath together..." She says attempting to seduce me again.

Ignoring her, I put on my watch. And now begins the "convincing". Same choreography different dancer. Ugh...and women call us unoriginal. Next is the groping in 5, 4, 3, 2...

Nikki caresses my thigh and slowly moves up. "Babe you can miss one day of classes, for me right?..." She says huskily while she sucks on my earlobe.

I'm done with this female. I think before abruptly standing up.

"I would babe, but I have practice in like 20 minutes and coach will string me up by my jewels and hang me on the flagpole if I'm late." I tell her while trying to find my grey polo shirt. "Have you seen my shirt?" I see it handing haphazardly on top of the door. "Nevermind." I walk toward the door. "I'll call you later aight Nikki." I leave finally and slam the door behind me.

"IT'S NATALIE!!" She yells just as the door slams shut.


I slump in my chair slightly. "I have to tutor who Professor French?" Odd name for a mathematics professor.

"Mr. Cameron Dempsey, Ms. Ines I don't remember stuttering. I'm appalled that you have never heard of him. He's the quarterback for our university's football team for goodness sake! The Kid with the Golden Arm! The Mohammed Ali of football! I figured all you young ladies knew him, I guess good grades is all you care about, am I right Ms. Ines?" Mr. French asks condescendingly.

This Motha...

"...just as I thought. Well, at least you're focused on something Ms. Ines. I want weekly updates every Monday on what you'll be tutoring him for the week. I'll send him home with test prep sheets that I expect to be completed by the next class in addition to the homework assignments. I WILL be conducting pop quizzes just for him based on what he's learned so far. And I expect that your grades will not suffer as a result am I correct Ms. Ines?" Mr. French asks with a fake smile.

"Yes, Mr. French. When do I meet HIM?" I ask with a snarl.

"Splendid Ms. Ines! He will meet you in the library after his morning practice." Mr. French says as I nod and start to walk away.

"Oh, and Ms. Ines..." He calls after me.

"Yes, Mr. French?" I turn, trying my best not to jump the desk and throttle him.

"Don't look so depressed, he's not that bad. And just think of the raving, awe inspiring recommendation letter I'll write you when he passes this class as a result of our hard work." Mr. French says with a gleam in his eye.

Yea, OUR hard work. If it wasn't for his connections and the fact that he can get me a job anywhere in the world I'd tell Mr. French to shove that recommendation letter where his head is. "You got it Mr. French." I say with a forced smile. I then turn and make my way to my car.

"Ugh...why me Lord, why me? I do my work, I get great grades, I don't speed, or over eat. I'm still a virgin and I have never had a boyfriend in my life. I go to church every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I'm on the usher board, and in the choir. My daddy is the pastor! All of that and I get to tutor the university's dimwitted, ego maniac, manwhore of the year. What did I do to deserve this?! Did I not tithe enough, serve enough, fast enough...ugh. I hope this isn't about the time I drank the bottle of communion grape juice by accident because I was thirsty after choir practice." I say slamming my head against the steering wheel. "I repented and bought another two bottles to replace the one. I don't cuss, although I almost did with Mr. French. I apologize for that. I don't steal, I don't even watch movies above a PG-13 rating. Why me? Why can't JI KIM the university "Einstein" tutor him? Lord, I don't get you sometimes, I don't, but never the less...your will be done and not mine." I takes a deep breath and start the car heading to the library.

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