Ch 16: My Temptation

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Thank you Lord that my work day is over.

Today was just...ugh. It isn't that the work load was heavy, because it wasn't. It isn't that the people here are annoying, because they weren't. It wasn't even that my boss is a slave driver, because he isn't. It was however, because my boss just so happens to be the one of the finest men on planet earth and it's been a while, if you know what I'm saying.

I blame Farrah and Glenys. Come to think of it, I blame Gianni too. He got me all worked up and turned on in the car and now I can't find the off switch. And it didn't help that Chase smelled heavenly. And he was so warm when he wrapped his arm around me, and asked me how I was feeling. And his voice...I can't...I'm just so done right now.

"Good night ladies!" Delilah calls out before walking out of the door.

This is wrong! Lord I don't need to be lusting after a man that isn't my husband. Help me...

And Gianni, I shouldn't be lusting after him either. What has gotten into me? I think I really do need a vacation. I need to get out of the city and away from everyone so I can clear my head; just me. Maybe I'll take a few days and finally take a breather up in the Hamptons at Mr. Vincent's other house. Yes, it's the middle of winter, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

I pick up my phone and dial Mr. Vincent.

He picks up on the second ring. "Hey, how's my girl?!"

I chuckle lightly. "I'm alright Mr. V"

He grunts. "You don't sound alright. What's up Princess?"

"I need a vacation. I wanted to know if it would be okay to stay in your vacation house in the Hamptons for a few days?"

"Of course, I was wondering when you were going to take off. You haven't missed a day since you began. I thought you'd sprouted roots." He chuckles at his own joke. "Chase has a key, get it from him. Did you want to drive over, or take the helicopter?"

Did he just say..."The helicopter?-"

"Fine choice!"

"Wait, I wasn-"

"Wait what am I thinking? Of course you'll take the chopper. Chase does it every morning."

"Wait, what?" Please tell me I did not just ask to live with Chase for a week.

Obviously missing my question, he goes into his own world. "This will be just lovely. You and Chase under the same roof." He drops his voice a few octaves. "Don't tell my wife though. She might drop by with a special basket, if you get my drift; she wants grandchildren."

Lord, what did I just get myself into? I'm supposed to be getting away from everyone, not torturing myself by sleeping under the same roof as the man currently spiking my libido. Well, Jesus could do 40 days, I can at least attempt seven.

In the background. "What was that about grandchildren dear? Did Chase finally get Michele pregnant?" I hear rapid footsteps.

The he-

"Oh no my delicate lily. I said that I'd heard that there was a report on the world's most giant chili." He clears his throat.

"Most giant chili? Where?"

"The internet?"

Nice save Mr. V.

"You know I don't believe that rubbish. Who are you speaking to?" She says changing the subject.


She squeals like a teenage girl. "Give me that!"

"B-but." He protests in the background.

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