Escape the Execution

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Down the cold underground prison and would terrified any adults and superiors, sitting by the walls in a ragged dress with slightly messed up plantium blonde hair. Soulless eyes and bruised beautiful face, now belongs to the first princess of Obelia Empire, Athanasia de Alger Obelia. Waiting for her soon execution in the end of the week, the yearly Festival of Spring.

"...Is it the Festival already?..." Athanasia mumbled with a hoarse voice that's been dried out by the lacks of water given. Mumbling to herself that's everything will be alright by the time goes by but it will not be any better.

The guard that was guarding her at the time feels sympathetic towards the outcast princess. Trying his best to make happy moments with her by telling jokes and about the lives of people whom she has helped and saved that they're living a good life and are thankful to her. But Athanasia spirit hasn't lift up at all, that make the guard sad than ever. She's slowly trying to get over the fact that her blood-father commanded to execute her for a crime she did not commit. 

Poisoning the second princess, Jeanette de Alger Obelia, favored by Claude and given everything that Athanasia could never receive, expensive dresses, accesories, beautiful gardens, unbelieveable gifts and Claude love for Jeanette. Admitted it, Athanasia did once envied Jeanette but she couldn't bring herself to hate her nor harm her in any way, Jeanette has mysterious charms that charm anyone and everyone. 

She has been imprisoned in the underground prison for already 2 weeks, it's only 4 days away from her execution, Athanasia feels nothing but the sadness that been overwhelming her since birth to this day. 

It was already night by the time Athanasia opens her eyes from her nap. The guard wasn't there, he could've changed shifts with another guard, but where's the other guard? They gone to grab something? Foods? Athanasia couldn't careless about it, she once again deeps in her own thoughts not realizing someone's calling for her.

"Princess. Princess!" Athanasia only now snapped out of it and surprisingly answer the dark figure that's standing infront of her. There wasn't any lights, so Athanasia only see a dark, tall figure. Too tall to be a woman, but too delicate to be a man. Who is it?

"W,what do you need from me?" She said in shaking voice, but there was hope in the voice as if she's begging the figure to helps her out of this hell prison.

"I have no time for a long talk so please consider my words important and don't take my words lightly, it can change your whole life." What's this man talking about? Changing my life? How? There's no hope in escaping if you're talking about it. The whole continent is in the control of the Emperor, his eyes and ears are everywhere. 

"Your magic is time control, you can travel to the past, future and reincarnate into another body in another world if you wanted to."Magic? Athanasia couldn't follow what's he saying and why. Is it a trick? Even if she really had the magic to control time, she don't know how to use it and why should she use it. 

"If you wanted to go back in time to build your life and future once again, imagine your younger self and when, the exact date and year, then say "Redo quod praeteritum" (Redo the past). Then, you can travel back to that time, remember, do not abuse this spell as it has it own price. Please, do it when you finally made up your mind-"

"There it is! The intruder! Capture him!" The guards were chasing after the black figure. The figure left in hurry and attacked them with a powerful fire spell for attacking. Is it a Black Tower wizard? As far as Athanasia knows, the Black Tower wizards are the most powerful of the chosen wizards of the whole continent. Even so, why would they want to help her, the outcast princess which is soon to have her execution?

She could not understand and process what's happening right now, all she can do is watch the guards and the mysterious figure backs as they walk away. She was trying to remember the figure words and mumbled to herself, "Could it be? Maybe I can re-do my life if I listen to them..." She mumbled unnoticed even by the guards who were there at the time. 

She wanted to go back, to the time she was small, innocent child, so she could grabs her father love. But what if she fails? She'll end up like this again. Accused and was outcast by everyone, her people, the Empire. Again, thinking back to the time when she helped the sicken people, Jeanette to the palace customs, the maids unconditionly but in the end receive a lonely death that brings embarrassment to the whole Royals blood. 

"Even if I tried to get his love, I won't stand a chance againstJeanette, she's...." Athanasia paused for a moment, as if she was scared to say it out, it can give her another damn punishment. She took a deep breath, finally was able to say it, "She's a manipulative person..." The guards couldn't heard it clearly but they didn't care about it either, Athanasia was thankful for that. 

She could do it now. Return to the past, but she didn't want to do it now, she want to face the people who received her kindness and yet returned it like this. Face the cold-blooded Emperor, who outcast, ignore her for the whole life of her. She wanted to face them, for the last time, before she change the past and build a new one. She'll never forgive any of them.


It was already the morning of the first princess execution, the sky was cloudy and gloomy as if it was sad because of the execution. The people were happy, sad, terrified and praying to God above. As Athanasia walks up to the stage, where her execution will be held, she walks with a confident attitude but with an angry expression, as if she was cursing the people down there.

The people who were cheering shut their mouths, soon, it was very quiet that you can hear your own breathing. The executioner was trying to pull Athanasia to the hanger by pulling her hair, she then shout and the mana strongly flows, "STOP! Release my hair!!" The people were in a huge shock, even the nobles and his Majesty, the Emperor himself. 

She stood there, angrily, she then raised her voice as loud as she could, saying "You, you all committed me for a crime that I did not commit. Only blindly listen to the fucking nobles and false informations. I saved many of your lives down there, I know you're listening to this. But you did nothing, but let me falsely accused. And you dared to call yourself a citizen of this Empire?"

Everyone couldn't say a word, her words were too strong and fierce, filled with anger and disappointment. No one would think that she is able to curse and say such amusing things infront of all honorable nobles and the Emperor. Then, Athanasia enjoyed the reactions of the people, scared, shocked, confused. But she had to do this quickly, or they'll gain consciousness and surrender her again. 

She looked back to the Emperor, who's now watching in shock and anger, she open her mouth and smile wide, saying loud enough for Claude to hear. "I'm glad that you never acknowledged me as you daughter. Or I'll become a daughter of a monster." The words unexpectedly stab Claude in the heart. Why? Why does it hurt so much?

Athanasia then quickly imagine her younger self, like the mysterious said. Her 6 years old self pops up in her head, it was the first time ever she saw herself in the mirror, the date was XX and the month was X, the year should be XXX. Perfect, now she finally cast the spell. She mumbled to herself something and then boldly say, "Redo quod praeteritum!" A sudden blue mana overflows her and she quickly lost consciousness and found.

Found her 6 years old self, facing the mirror. 


Author's note:  Aaaa, hello and thank for reading first chapter! I was really excited to write my imaginations down and it was harder than I expected! This is short of long if you asked me. Though there might be spelling mistakes and uncleared parts, but please comment if this was enjoyable for you!

My biggest inspiration to write this story: @YuiMizu1412

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