14 - ushiten

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Ushijima stops by a coffee shop after his run, checking the captains groupchat. He stays there for the bit, chatting with the captains before he confesses to Tendou.

'Hmm,,, they said that Tendou likes me back but perhaps he might not.'

Leaving the shop, Ushijima had a lot to think about, if he were to confess it would either turn out really bad or really good.

If it goes bad, it might jeopardize the dynamic of their team. But if it goes well, it could strengthen their team, 'What to do..'

While entering his dorm, Ushijima shakes his head, 'No. It is too much of a risk.'

"USHIIII," he hears a voice say out loud, coming from his bed, "Oh, hello Tendou."

"Ushiii where were you?" Tendou asks, crawling towards him on his bed. "I went for a run, you know that. I do it everyday."

"Yes yes I know I just missed you."

"As did I, but you also say that every morning."

Tendou rolls his eyes at Ushijima and walks over to him taking his shirt off, "Ushiii."

"Yes, Tendou?"

Tendou slowly slips his arms around Ushijima, "I have some to tell you,,,"

Being the oblivious person he is, Ushijima wasn't bothered by what was happening, "Go ahead."

Tendou had his arms wrapped about Ushijima with his head in the crook of Ushijima's shoulder, "I like you."

"Yes Tendou, as do I. I'll be right back I have to take a shower."

Ushijima leaves the room unaffected while Tendou stands in the same spot, mouth ajar, "Wait,,"

"Wait hold up USHIJIMA COME HERE."

Ushijima closes the door as Tendou was close, almost making him run into it, 'GRR YOU BIG OAF I JUST CONFESSED YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE A BIGGER REACTION THAN THAT UGHH.'

While Ushijima was taking his sweet time showering, Tendou was walking around angrily, 'Does he think it's a joke? Or does he just not like me at all.'

Tendou was still a bit mad but Ushijima was the most oblivious person in this world so maybe he just didn't understand. Tendou sighs and shakes his head and goes to lay down on Ushijima's bed since it was more comfortable than his own.

After laying down for a bit he starts to get sleepy again, until Ushijima walks back in. Granted, he was still mad but still wanted to see Ushijima's wet abs, 'Why does he look so,, yummy,,,'

"Oh, hello Tendou are you still tired?"

"Hmm I don't know I guess so, plus it's winter break and we don't have plans so why not sleep all day."

Ushijima puts on his shirt and walks over to his bed, facing Tendou, "Weren't we going out later today?"

"Oh you were serious about hanging out all break?"

In Ushijima's head, this meant, 'Hmm so he didn't want to hang out, I guess it means he doesn't like me.'

"Yes," Ushijima simply says, going over to Tendou's bed instead of his, "Woah woah woah there Wakatoshi why aren't you over here?"

"I know you like mine better so I'll sleep on yours."

"No, come over here."


Ushijima lays next to Tendou, closing his eyes and relaxing. He puts his hand on Tendou's cheek, opening his eyes again, "Tendou, could you answer a question for me?"

Tendou was mesmerized by Ushijima's eyes, "Yes, Wakatoshi?"

"Do you like me?"

"Well of course I do."

"No, like do you like me romantically."

Tendou rolls his eyes, expressing how annoyed he was, "Yes, Wakatoshi that's why I told you I liked you when you came in."

"Oh, I did not know if you were being serious or not."

Ushijima kisses Tendou's forehead and pulls him closer, making them both drift off to sleep.


Ushiten is soo cute i love Tendou and Ushijima so much 🥺 anyways i hope y'all enjoyed!! I started band camp today so yay i'm back to having a busy schedule 😓 but i'll fs be able to update more than when i had my math course 👁👁

- slutforkageyama

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