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Afternoon practice was finally over and Aoba Johsai was now in the locker rooms, changing. Oikawa was on his phone, looking for cute jewelry that matched Sugawara and him.

"Oikawa you ready?"

Oikawa nods and they both leave, not before getting a weird look from Iwaizumi and Makki, 'hmm I guess he didn't tell Makki then.'

They both head to the jewelry store in comfortable silence before Mattsun speaks up, "So..."

"Yes?" Oikawa pips up.

"How'd you two meet?"

"Well, Kou-chan and I were both 9 when we met, it was at a park where we were playing hide and seek-"

Oikawa gets cut off when Mattsun gasps, "Wait..that time you said that you got lost?"

"Yeah uh about that I didn't get lost..."

"I'm telling Iwaizumi that!"

"What? why?"

Mattsun angrily crosses him arms, "We spent HOURS looking for you!"

"Oh umm sorry about that but anyways, when we were hiding from Iwa-chan, I saw this really cute boy sitting by himself with a volleyball. So I went over to him to ask what was wrong and he just started to cry and cling onto me and as a 9 year old boy I didn't know what to do so I hugged him and asked him what was wrong. He said that no one would play volleyball with him, so I offered and we did that for years until we got phones and started talking to eachother like that, and basically that's how we met."

"Awww such a cute story," Mattsun cooed.

For the rest of the walk, they talked about whatever came to their minds and spilled all their secrets, well, most at least.

While Oikawa and Mattsun were walking to a jewelry store, Sugawara was at home and stressing out.

"Oh my god our anniversary is pretty close and I still don't know what to do.."

So Sugawara rung up Asahi for help, "PLEASE HELP ME!"

"Suga please don't yell into the phone.."

"Sorry! I just don't know what to do?! I mean I know I wanted to plan out a trip but what else? It seems a bit cheap.."

"You really are stupid Suga, *sigh* how is a trip cheap?"

"I mean.. it's only one thing, I need to give him something else, he deserves so much more."

"Okay, look Suga I get that he does deserve more but a trip to wherever you're planning is already a lot of money and is no way cheap. But, if you want to give him another gift I can help you with that. Did you order the tickets yet?"


Sugawara ends the call and scrolls through his contact list, pressing, 'mom'

After a couple of rings, his mom picks up and they facetime, "Hey Koushi how are you?" He hears from both of his parents.

"Hey mom hey dad, I'm doing good just had a quick question," Sugawara asks, his dad was sitting on the bed, leaning on the bed frame as his mom was laying on her stomach opposite of him, "Yes sweetheart?"

"So, Tooru and I's anniversary is coming up and I was wondering if I could take him to somewhere like the Caribbean or Hawaii?"

"Of course you can, we love Tooru, take him wherever you want. And I thought I told you you could do whatever you wanted to, you don't need our permission Koushi," His mom says in a loving tone, "What your mom said."

His dad gives him a thumbs up as his mom kicks him, "Owww."

"Anyways honey, do whatever you want and also we'll be coming back in maybe a 3 weeks or so? I'm  planning on having a dinner night, make sure you bring Tooru, I love talking to my future son in-law."

"What-" Sugawara says with a blush before his mom ends the call.

'That damn woman'

Sugawara loved his parents, don't get him wrong, but asking for money was not his favorite thing in the world.

Although he did feel guilty, the guilt did lessen at the fact that his parents are constantly making money. His parents were pretty famous in Japan, and even in America. He's blessed to have such hardworking parents but he wished they'd be around here more.


"KOUU-CHANN IM HOMEEE," Oikawa shouts, as soon as he steps into the house, "SORRY I MEANT, HONEY IM HOME!"

Sugawara walks to Oikawa to embrace him in a warm hug which makes Oikawa hug him back, "Oh shut up Tooru," and whacks him on the back of his head, "Owww."

"Anyways, where'd you go?"

"Oh, no where special Mattsun just needed some advice."

Sugawara hums and snuggles into Oikawa even more, "How cute, I remember when Hinata needed some advice about dating and he threw up on me because of how nervous he was."

Oikawa bursts out laughing, making Sugawara laugh along as well, "The shrimp THREW UP on you??"

"Hey! he was nervous okay? stop laughing at him," Sugawara said, crossing his arms.

"What a hypocrite you were just laughing earlier!"

Sugawara sticks out his tongue in a teasing manner and walks towards the kitchen, "Anyways dinners ready."


Hey guys I had a chapter already written but it accidentally deleted and I got too busy with homework so I got too lazy to rewrite this chapter 😔 anyways, I promise I'll have another chapter up in the next 3 days, bye y'all!!

- slutforkageyama

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