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third pov

When the three finally made it to the grocery store, Sugawara was offered Asahi's help, with Daichi following him. He texted them some of the items Oikawa needed and they all went off.

After they got all of the items that were requested, Daichi finally broke the ice. "Say...why do you need all of these things? and why is there so much?"

Asahi comes to Sugawara's defense and says, "Oh come on you know he basically lives by himself maybe he's stocking up?"

"Yes, my dears, especially Daichi it's not wrong for me to stock up on food is it?"

Sugawara then faces Asahi and says a soft, " Thank you."

Daichi gets shivers because when Sugawara gets mad, that's when all hell breaks loose and he is not about to let that happen.


When they're all checked out, they give Sugawara his items and leave. Sugawara starts to walk towards his house, where Oikawa probably is already at.

Oikawa is pretty clingy, not that Sugawara minded. Sugawara basically lives all by himself, his parents are both pretty famous and are in America right now. Once again, not that he minded. He and his parents have never had the closest relationship but he still loves them as much as they love him. But, with them being gone he gets pretty lonely, so Oikawa has decided to "move in," just until his parents come back. Meaning he sleeps at Sugawara's house, wakes up, goes to school, they study, go to bed and do the same thing over again the next day.

And Sugawara loves him for this, although his team doesn't like Oikawa, all that matters is that he and his boyfriend are happy.


When Sugawara finally makes it to his house, he sees that all the lights are on. Ah as I thought, he's already here.

Sugawara walks into the house and is greeted with a big hug, "Hey kou-chan you're home did you get everything?"

Oikawa is handed the plastic bags full of food and Sugawara walks into the kitchen, "Yeah I did.. I'm not sure why you need so much stuff? I thought we were stocked for at least another 3 days?"

"Oh kou-chan, my love, my dear, my honey, my-"

"Okay okay get on with it Tooru," Sugawara then takes a seat near the island in their kitchen and puts his head down, obviously tired.

"Oh I'm just making you a special dinner, after all, you do make both of our bentos in the morning. And breakfast, sometimes."

"Aww Tooru you're just like my wife," Sugawara said, making Oikawa feel offended.

Tooru, offended, starts to put everything onto the counter to start preparing for dinner, "I think it's quite the opposite kou-chan, you're my wife and I'm your husband, don't you think?"

"I think the hell not why are you the husband?"

"Kou-chan.. what about in the-"

"OKAY anyways what're you cooking?"

Oikawa gives a laugh that says, 'I told you so' and goes over to wrap his arms around Sugawara's chest.

"How about you go take a shower and finish your homework while I finish this, okay?" Oikawa gives him a kiss on the cheek and puts his chin on the shorter boy's shoulder.

"Do you need any help? what about your homework? did you shower yet?"

It was typical for Sugawara to worry and fuss over his boyfriend, "Yes love, we got out of practice pretty early today because the coaches had something to do. So when I got here I already took a shower and did all of my homework, no need to worry. And no, I don't need help so go freshen up and finish homework okay?"

Sugawara loved this man so much that it made his heart hurt.

"Okay, I'll see you after I'm finished," He turns around and gives his boyfriend a kiss. A quick one, filled with emotions of love and passion.

After his shower, he changes into one of Tooru's shirts and shorts, since he was taller than Sugawara. He loves wearing Tooru's shirts, they were always comfortable and had a nice smell to them.

When he was finished changing and admiring his boyfriend's shirt, he goes downstairs into the living room, which is across from the kitchen. 'Perfect, english, my favorite"

After a while of working on an essay, he quickly finishes. English might not be his favorite subject or class but he was passing with flying colors,' Well, let's see if Tooru's almost finished.'



Sugawara packs up his papers and laptop and heads over to the kitchen.

"Kou-chan dear, come sit down," After getting told by Oikawa to sit, Sugawara makes his way to the dinner table. When he gets closer, he sees all of the beautifully made food on the table. "Tooru?"

"Yes babe?" Says Oikawa, holding more dishes in his hands. "What is it?"

Oikawa goes to place the other dishes and Sugawara goes up to his boyfriend to give him a big hug. "Thank you-"

"Do you know how much I love you Tooru?"

Oikawa puts his cheek onto Sugawara's hair and snuggles in, getting the smell of different types of fruit combined. His hair was soft, and slightly cold. "I mean... I think I have an idea of how much~"

Sugawara slightly slaps Oikawa's chest and rolls his eyes, "Oh shut up," Sugawara moves his head and gives Oikawa a peck on the lips. "Now let's eat."

"Oh wait let's take a selfie~"

"Alright just, don't post it, not yet at atleast," Oikawa hums in agreement and takes out his phone. The two weren't very public about their relationship. They both loved each other dearly but at the same time, they liked their privacy. Besides, it's not like they were hiding their relationship that much.

"Smile Koushi~"


After they both ate and cleaned up, they head into Sugawara's bed room to go to bed. Oikawa goes to get ready for bed while Sugawara is watching a show on his tv.

Oikawa slyly sneaks into the bed next to Sugawara and spoons him,"Hey Kou-chan did you enjoy the dinner?"

"Of course I did dummy why wouldn't I?" Sugawara then feels Oikawa pull him in close and whispers into his ear, "I'm glad you did."

They then both fall alseep, watching whatever was on the tv. With Oikawa, spooning Sugawara.

I love you.

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