I Can See Through His Facade Part:12

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***Hey guys! Thanks for commenting and voting and everything on the last chapter, it made my day♥ Well, for the two who commented, here's your chapter 12(: Comment, vote, like, tweet♥***


"Emily give it back! Emily!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, she had taken the note Brandon wrote me and was reading it out loud, my face was burning with embarrassment, especially since my mother was listening...

"You're my only! Love, Brandon!" Emily sighed dramatically and fell onto the couch fanning herself.

"I hate you." I mumbled and looked over to my mom who was smiling like a geek.

"That's so cute!" my mother squealed, she and Emily still didn't know my father had seen me, hopefully they never would..

"Shut up." I groaned and grabbed the note and walked up to my room, I heard them whispering incoherent words to each other. They acted like they'd never seen a sweet love note before. I grabbed my phone and texted Brandon.

"Emily read your note out loud to my mother...-___-" I sent.

"Hahaha, what'd your mom say? Wait I know... Oh that's so cute! *Girly voice*" I laughed.

"Yeah that's exactly what she said. XD"

"I knew it! :D"

"Your stupid, are we hanging out tomorrow?"

"Yeah, you won't believe what my mom's doing right now though.."

"Is she hurting the kids?!" my heart panicked.

"No, not at all, she got them gifts and she's not drunk. O.o"


"Definetly, well I'll see ya tomorrow babe<3 I love you<3"

"<3 I love you too<3" I smiled as I texted him back, everything would be perfect if he hadn't messed it up. Stupid boys.

"Twin!" Emily sang from the stairs.

"What?!" I screamed so I didn't have to get up.

"We're going to dinner, you coming?!" I sighed.

"Of course I'm going! I'm not letting you and my mother go to dinner without me, it'd be weird!" I screamed.

"Stop screaming and get your ass down here!" my mom laughed.

I hurried and threw on some shoes and fixed my hair into a cute little ponytail bun type thing. We decided to go eat at Olive Garden, yummy.

"Why fancy mom?" I questioned confused, we never ate this fancy...

"Just because..." my mom smiled, apparently we had reservations because we walked right to a table.

"Did you make reservations?" I asked super confused.

"Yeah." she said simply.


"Felt like it." she shrugged.

"Just shut up and order something!" Emily laughed.

"Whatever..." I dropped it, why would my mom make reservations?

"Well, I don't know about you but I have to pee." Emily said.

"Thanks for the announcement." I teased.

"Oh I'll go with you, I have to pee too." my mom said, and together they both walked off leaving me by my lonesome. I just watched waiters run around and kids smile and laugh as they played with food, boy were they taking forever to pee...

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