23: That's What I Pay You For

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23: That's What I Pay You For

"So," I say to Paul as I dig my hands deeper into my hood pocket. "Thanks for walking with me."

It's before seven o' clock in the morning and I almost didn't ask Paul to walk me to work because I figured he was sleeping. However, to my surprise, he knocked on the door right as I was about to leave. I still can't believe he is willing to do this for me. I mean, I think I'm more than capable of walking ten blocks without getting mauled, but Paul insisted. 

How can I say no?

"No problem, Maddy," Paul tells me. "I just want to make sure you don't get hounded by fans or paparazzi. It can get ugly fast."

"Well, they won't bother messing with me if you're here," I say with a smile. 

"That's the plan," He laughs as he looks over his shoulder.

In my pocket, I feel the familiar shape of the star that Niall had given to me the day before. As crazy or stupid as I may be, I've had it on me ever since the moment he kissed it. Whats possibly even crazier and stupider is the fact that I may believe that this can bring me good luck. Its a freaking glow in the dark star, a faulty one at that, and I believe that it can actually make the confusing situation I call my life into something straightforward.

But let's face it, ever since I moved in with One Direction, things have never been straightforward. 

"So, Miss Paige tells me that you two are thinking about applying to a university," Paul says suddenly.

I'm taken back. For a second I'm not sure if I heard correctly because as far as I'm concerned, Paige hasn't told Harry yet. Or anyone for that matter. Why would she tell Paul?

"She did?" I manage to say.

He nods. "Yeah, she mentioned it to me last night. I think that's amazing! For the both of you."

Again, I'm a little taken back. Paul hasn't known me more than a day and he is happy for me. I can't help but smile at that small but significant gesture. 

"Thanks," I say genuinely. 

"It's always nice when people decide to better their lives and getting an education is the best place to start," He continues. "Do you know what you want to study?"

In the spam of less than twenty four hours, I've been asked this question twice. Only this time, I'm not extremely annoyed like I was with my mom.

However, that doesn't change the answer. I'm not so sure about my major. I mean, don't people usually know what they at least want to study before they go into college, but with me? I don't have the slightest clue. I moved here so I could be what I wanted and now that I have that chance, I don't know where to look for that. Where do I even start?

"I don't," I tell him sadly. "I just think that I'll get my Gen-Ed classes first and hopefully I'll decide then."

Paul looks at me curiously. "Really? You don't have the slightest clue as to what you want to do?"

"Well, it's not like I haven't thought about it. I just don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life. It's kind of a scary thought," I point out. "I mean, why'd you become a bodyguard? I doubt you woke up one day and said,-" I deepen my voice and put on my best Irish accent-"'Hey! You know what I wanna do for the rest of my life? Guard bodies!'"

Paul laughs, shaking his head. "Well, first off, I certainly didn't say that. And second, I don't sound like that."

I crack a smile. "Well, See! My point is proven. These things take time."

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