17: Speak of the Devil

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♧  17: Speak of the Devil ♣

September 2, 2012

Hey, remember that charity event I'm supposed to be putting together? Yeah, well I stayed up all night trying to go over ideas and guess what?

I've got nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. 

Why is this so difficult? Why is thinking up a charity event so damn hard? 

I mean, we can do a dinner with the One Direction. But, I don't want to have to cough up money for food. Unless everyone wants to pay for shared McDonald's. One fry per visitor. 

We can also do a One Direction Man-Auction; much like the one that the seniors put on at my school, where I had won Josh Malloy for a good twenty five dollars. Although, I have a feeling that if we sold the One Direction boys, things could get ugly fast. And not to mention I'd kinda be selling the boys off like I'm their pimp. Not exactly the best idea I've come up with. 

So here I am, Charity Idea-less. Oh, Charity Gods, please sprinkle your wisdom over me.

Yeah, right.

You know what? Whatever. I'll think of something later when I don't feel like pulling my hair out, but if you have any ideas, Journal. Please, feel free to tell me. Don't hold back!

However, on the bright side, I do know where I want the money to go to. 

The Homeless Shelters of London. 

I guess it makes sense right? I mean, when I saw that homeless woman give the coins away, it made me think; How can someone with so little, do so much? And it made me realize how lucky I am that I'm not living on the streets. I have someplace to go after work; it may not be my home, but it's better than a bush. And all I know is that if I were on the streets, I'd want to go to a homeless shelter and know that out there, someone is looking out for me. That's someone is taking time to look after the homeless. Those without homes for whatever reason. 

And right now, I'm determined to be that person. 

With the help of One Direction of course.

I close my journal, making sure not to accidentally pull off the cover in the process. I really need to invest some money into a roll of tape, or just a new journal, especially with the possibility of every page falling out with the simple turn of a page. Carefully setting my journal on the nightstand, I pick up my belongings and head downstairs.

Walking into the kitchen, I find Liam sitting down at the table, pushing around some eggs and toast that he had prepared. 

"Hey, Liam," I greet.

I pull out the chair across from Liam and take a seat, putting my elbows on top of the table, staring directly at Liam, waiting for him to look up. It takes a few seconds for him to realize I'm there, but when he does, I give him my most goofiest smile to which Liam returns with a half smile. 

Well, that's a start.

"Hey, Maddy."

He returns his gaze back to his breakfast that looks like it's been untouched. I still can't help but feel sorry for him. The breakup came at the worst time possible for him and now, he has to go back to the public eye; with recording, photo shoots, interviews. And now I want him to be involved with a Charity Event. What more can I pile on to this guy? Will he even be up for doing more? If anything, I should ask Liam if he's up for it. 

Maybe Paige is right. If I show Liam that I am moving on, well, moving on from Andrew, then maybe Liam will take my lead. 

So, that's exactly what I plan to do.

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