Chapter 17: Do You Look For Me?

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As the years passed Trixie kept her promise. Every morning, without fail, she would look up at the sky and wonder how the beautiful blue eyed woman she had once known was doing.

Miles away a blonde Russian woman did the same every night, looking for the moonlight's protective embrace as she tried to forget another day of the hell she was living.

Vladimir was her new husband's name. Katya had always thought Dimitri was bad but he was child's play compared to her current husband. Alexej seemed to have forgotten his close friendship with Katya entirely as soon as the paycheck from Vladimir came, and so Katya truly had no one now.

Of course, no one there would know that. Katya afterall trusted no one but the beautiful motel owner, so there was no one there to tell.
Whenever the Russian pair were in public they seemed like the perfect couple, loving and happy, whilst behind closed doors the arguments were unavoidable and the bruises frequent. The beautiful mansion in truth being a large prison cell.

Trixie was doing significantly better than the Russian woman, as was to be expected. The motel was doing good and she was saving money to sell the place and finally realize her dream of owning a hotel. Otherwise things were as they had been.

One new rule had been set in place tho; no one was ever allowed to stay in Room 102.

Most of Trixie's friends thought it was because the girl believed the room to be haunted, but in reality the motel owner just couldn't bear handing the room key to anyone but Katya.
Therefore the key stayed in Trixie's office, ready for use should the Russian ever return.

"Trix, please just go on this one date. She's really nice I swear, I think you'd really get along well." Trixie's friend, Kim, said.

The young blonde had met the Korean girl through Amy after the former receptionist had finished beauty school. They'd gotten close quickly, the three of them often spending their evening's watching movies together or playing around with different extreme makeup looks.

"Look, I'm just not interested, okay? I'm perfectly fine on my own. I got the motel to worry about anyways, I really don't have time for dating." Trixie replied.

"Quit the bullshit, Trixie. Is this about that Russian woman from 4 years ago?" The korean pressed.

"Her name is Katya, and yes of course it's about her." The brown eyed girl replied in an annoyed tone.
Wishing Amy had refrained from telling Kim about the Russian to begin with.

"Girl, it was a short fling, you're allowed to move on!" Kim said.

"Listen, I know you mean well, but please... just don't. You don't get it, you weren't here then, and that's fine. But I love her, okay? I loved her back then and I still love her now, and that's not gonna change. And I don't wanna settle for something that isn't gonna live up to what I've already experienced. I want real love, not someone I can just get along with. And if I can't have that then I'd rather put all my time and focus into work." The brown eyed girl replied honestly.

"Okay, I've gotta run, but we're not done with this conversation." Kim said as she got up to leave for work.

"Yes, we are!" Trixie called after her.

"No bitch, we're not!" The Korean woman called back, making the motel owner laugh a little.

"God, I need a drink." Trixie said to herself as she made her way over to the bar.

Most of her friends didn't understand Trixie's reluctance to date, all thinking that Katya had been nothing but a temporary fling, and truthfully Trixie couldn't blame them. If any of her friends were dating someone for such a short time, she probably would have assumed it was a fling too.

The only person who really got it was Tatianna, and that was mostly because of the sheer amount of time the two girls had spent at the bar the week that Katya had visited last.
Therefore the young blonde would often find herself at Tatianna's counter as she ranted about her other friends.

"Rough day?" Tatianna asked as Trixie sat down on a barstool.

"More so rough past hour... Kim tried to make me date again, you know how it is, they just don't get it." The brown eyed girl said as Tatianna placed a Vodka Soda in front of her, knowing that the girl would eventually ask for it anyways.

"I'm sorry, Trixie. I'm sure if they'd seen what I saw they'd understand. I know how much you two cared for eachother. And honestly the fact that you still wear that necklace and that ring every day should tell everyone enough." The bartender said. Trixie's hand instinctively went up to hold onto the little glass moon hanging from her neck.

"Thanks Tati, it really helps that you at least understand why I don't wanna  try to find someone else." The motel owner replied as she sipped her drink, feeling the warmth of alcohol fill her and slowly start to relax her muscles.

"Don't worry about it, I don't think I'd try to find someone else either if I were you. She really was something that one. I don't think I've ever seen you as happy as you were when she was here."  Tatianna said, bringing Trixie's mind back to the days of sitting at the bar with Katya as they'd laugh and joke, having a chaotic energy with the woman that the young blonde never experienced around anyone else. Everything was so blissfully perfect back then.

"I don't think I've ever been as happy as I was around her, she was my sun." Trixie said as she finished her drink quickly and got up to leave.

As the young girl's honey brown eyes looked up at the moon she wondered if Katya was thinking about them just as she was.
Desperate to know if the older woman was staring up at the sky every day with longing like she was.
Trixie hoped Katya did.

Because if so then in a couple hours the birds of morning would fly under lingering starshine, and then in the sky they would meet once more.

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