Chapter 3: What Are You Doing To Me?

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Her body felt on fire as the blue eyed beauty kissed her way down to where Trixie needed her most. Her fingernails dug into the sheets as a kiss was placed on her clit.

"Tell me you want this." Katya said as she placed a kiss on the younger girl's inner thigh.

"I want this, please, please Katya. I need you" Trixie begged, tears threatening to spill from desperation, the teasing having gone on for far too long.

The young girl moaned loudly as the Russian inserted two fingers inside her, pumping them quickly and curling them upwards occasionally.
Katya's fingers were skilled, clearly not lacking in experience. The blue eyed girl's movements precise and intentional as she moved her fingers inside the blonde bombshell.
That sweet feeling of release that the brown eyed girl hadn't felt in forever nearing by the minute.
The Russian leaning down to whisper her every desire, bringing the younger girl closer and closer to the high she craved so badly.

"Mhm Katya!" She yelled out as she finally reached her high, letting go completely as the room warped around her.

Trixie woke up abruptly, staring at the digital clock on her bedside table which read 04.35 AM. Her panties where uncomfortably drenched and her breathing quick and ragged.

What the hell was this woman doing to her?

It had been a week since the shower incident and since then the Russian had gone out of her way to remind Trixie of that evening. Constantly leaving the girl flustered as she spouted innuendos or stole a hidden touch. Trixie had never been so horny in her entire life and it was driving her crazy, her every waking and now clearly sleeping hour consumed by the blue eyed beauty.

It didn't help that Katya was in truth the very definition of Trixie's type.
It was insane how similar the woman was to every image Trixie had of her dream girl.

Trixie cursed herself for lusting after a guest so badly, it was insanly unprofessional, but she couldn't help herself. Katya had her wrapped around her little finger. She felt as tho she was a helpless marionette and Katya was the puppeteer, all her actions controlled and masterfully conducted by the other woman's will.
It was almost frightening how much power the woman had over her, even tho the brown eyed girl knew absolutely nothing about the woman.

Well, nothing wasn't true. In the week that had passed she had learned a couple things.

Alexej left every morning on every week day at exactly 11 AM with all 4 bodyguards, where to the girl had no idea. What she did know was that Katya for some reason never went with him. She'd stay at the motel, go for a swim, hit on Trixie, go shopping, return to hit on Trixie some more and then stay in her room until Alexej came back.

The man returned by 5 PM every evening, got changed and went to dinner at 7 PM with Katya.
Katya always wore the most ridiculously beautiful outfits, last night it had been the most gorgeous wine colored dress with a split that went to her upper thigh.

Trixie had almost drooled at the sight, not remembering ever seeing someone look as good as the Russian had looked that night

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Trixie had almost drooled at the sight, not remembering ever seeing someone look as good as the Russian had looked that night.

Every night the pair returned at 1 AM at which point Alexej had usually had too much vodka and would practically need to be carried back to his room by the 4 guards.
Katya however would look tired and annoyed, her breath smelling of the strong liquor, while never seeming drunk. She'd walk outside to the pool, sit down and smoke alone for half an hour before returning to her room with a simple goodnight.

It was an odd routine, but one Trixie had become accustomed to and was starting to think she'd miss when the odd couple checked out.

As much as she hated to admit it, she was falling in love with the attention Katya was giving her. The Russian seemed to have made it her life mission to make the young owner flustered and embarrassed, some times even saying inappropriate things in front of other guests, and yet Trixie didn't mind at all.

She loved the flirty touches and yearning stares. The wistful goodnight's and the hopeful good morning's, the raunchy jokes and insane statements, she loved it all.
But most of all she loved the glimpses into the woman behind the strong, confident mask Katya put on.

Somewhere, behind all that courage and confidence, there was a girl who had been hurt over and over again.
A girl who longed for someone to protect her.

That girl also scared Trixie far more than the woman with the innuendos did. Because that girl was someone she could loose her heart to in time, and loosing her heart to Katya was out of the question.

Katya could leave at any moment, blow away with the northern wind the next morning for all Trixie knew.
Trixie could wake up to an empty room and a key on the counter, unsure if the pair had even stayed there at all or if she had dreamed it.

No, desire was okay.
She could desire the woman.
Sleep with her even.
But she refused to let her imagination run wild and leave her to believe that she could ever give Katya her heart.

She couldn't get too involved, that would be too dangerous.

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