Chapter 30

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It’d been almost a week since Christofer, or anyone else had heard a single peep from Jordan. No texts, or calls, or tweets, or anything. It was as if he’d dropped off the face of the planet and it was tearing Chris apart.

He was currently staying with Jack and Alex, for they assumed it wouldn’t be long for Jordan to cool down and have things go back to normal, but with each passing day their doubts only grew. The idea had been tossed around for one of them to try and get a hold of Jordan, but they feared that it would only further mess things up, so instead they called his band mate, Andy.


“Hey, it’s Alex…I have a question for you,” Alex said quickly.

“What’s up?” Andy replied slowly.

“Where the hell is Jordan?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean he’s shown no sign of life for the past week.”

“Really? But he’s been constantly on his phone and laptop.”

Alex breathed a sigh of relief. “So he’s at your place?”

“Yeah. He told me about what happened with Christofer but he also told me that he’d been keeping in touch with you and Jack…hang on one second.”

The singer heard the muffled sound of Andy calling to the boy in question after putting his hand to the phone. Then there were soft footsteps and Jordan’s voice. He couldn’t make out what was being said exactly, but from the tone of their exchange it didn’t sound good. A few minutes later and Andy got back on the phone.

“He’s kinda pissed right now…you should come over.”

“Interesting logic,” the All Time Low front man chuckled as he grabbed his car keys.

“I’m getting a little sick of his attitude. It’s time he grows up and makes an attempt to talk this out,” Andy stated professionally.

Alex said goodbye quickly and rushed out the door while announcing that he was going out for a while to Jack and Christofer. Twenty minutes later and he was knocking on Andy’s door. He opened it and promptly showed him to the family room where Jordan was sprawled out on the couch typing away on his laptop.

“Time to talk.” Alex said sternly. Jordan looked up and slammed his computer shut.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m trying to get it through your skull that you’re being stupid,” he sat down on a chair and folded his arms. The short boy groaned and put his head in his hands.

“Look. There’s nothing to talk about. Christofer fucked me over big time and I don’t trust that he won’t do it again.”

“Jordan…he’s learned his lesson. You’d know it if you saw him. He needs you. And not just emotionally…but physically too. It’s been days since he’s moved or showered. Every time he tries to eat he gets sick to his stomach, and I’ve never seen someone cry so much in my entire life.”

“Every time I look at him I’ll think about that girl,” he whispered.

“It meant nothing. He doesn’t even remember most of it, and what he does know literally makes him cringe. And let me tell you something, if you don’t come back he’s going to spend the rest of his life alone because you’re the only one for him,” Alex paused. “I know you feel the same way.”

Jordan didn’t say anything for a long time. He just twiddled his thumbs and stared at the ground until finally he nodded slowly. “I do.”

“Come on, let’s get you home,” he grabbed his friend gently by the wrist and after thanking Andy for his help, left.

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